New Light

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Flashback to the day before

Kakashi's POV
After witnessing the treatment of Naruto first hand and his reaction, I've concluded that it's of the up most emergency. I rushed over to the hokage's office in swift strides on the roof tops of civilian homes. I pumped chakra into every step to jump higher and travel further. Once I reached his door, I quieted my breath and knocked politely. A soft come in was heard and I found my sensi at his desk doing paper work, I closed the door behind me and stood right in front of him. He looked up from his work and smiled a kind and loving smile. "What do I have to owe for this surprise visit from my student?" He chuckled and got up from his desk and engulfed me in a huge. I chuckled as well and smiled my famous eye smile, patting him on the back as he hugged me. He let go and leaned against his desk before asking me what the problem was. My smile quickly vanished and turned into a frown. "Well it's about Naruto." I started, but I was abruptly cut off by my sensi asking with an angry and serious tone, "What did that little monster do this time?"

"No sir, you misunderstand, it's not what he did, well I guess partially it was, but that's not the point. It's about his treatment by his other teammates." I said semi angrily. He looked at me seriously, noticing my tone of voice. He didn't say anything back so I took it as cue to start talking about it. "Well you see sensi, I noticed him acting very strangely. He didn't talk, seemed to stay at least a few feet away from everyone, he looked at the ground the whole time like it was the most interesting thing since sliced bread, he looked incredibly depressed, he's nervous in public settings, and didn't believe me at first that I was talking to him. And that's not all, Sakura and Sasuke both showed obvious hate for him for some unknown reason. And lastly, Naruko treated him with utmost disrespect, nor does she even seem to acknowledge him as family. It was terrible sensi, I might as well just fail them, Kami knows they'll ever work together and pass the bell test." I said in quick haste, I huffed and puffed after my long rant that I was at first trying to hold in. But my control only just broke like a dame letting everything out all at once.

He looked at me in shock before saying what I'd never had expected, "If you fail that team I'll put you in jail for treason. Strip you of all the titles you have, all the things you own, all the money you have, and leave you in there to rout. You can do what you wish with the demon, but if you fail the other three I will hold my threat to me. And may I ask why you care about a demon so much? Has he brainwashed you or something?" I stood there frozen in shock, he called his own son a demon, how could he, and on top of that he threatened me. "Sensi how can you call your own son a demon, and I'm not brainwashed, it's you who has been though." I said angrily, pointing an accusing finger at him. He saw my confusion and obviously decided to clarify for me as he began to speak. He moved away from me and to behind his desk to look out the window.

"A few weeks before their birth, Jiraiya came to us with a frightening prophecy. It spoke of having twins, one born to love and the other born to hate. The one to love was destined to be either the saver or destroyer of our world. And the one to hate, was destined to become a demon in what we that was a metaphorical aspect, one that would come to ruin the lives of everyone that the child born to love held dear. We thought nothing of it until the night of the twins birth, that night I sealed the kyuubi in Naruto. It all lined up, so we decided to train Naruko for the day she'd have to save the world and defeat her brother. Knowing the prophecy would never lie, we decided to neglect Naruto as to not make it more painful on ourselves when the day comes when he becomes a demon. And as our last act of love towards him, he let him live in our home, endangering both ourselves and now our only child. But time and time again he'd disrespect that choose of ours, so I ordered my family and the village to act as if he never existed." He finished with a saddened expression on his face, normally I'd also feel said but not anymore, I was angry now. " And why haven't I heard if this?" I asked gritting my teeth.

"Probably because you and the other genin instructors were out on a mission at the time it happened. Now if you don't mind I have to get back to work, now if you would kindly leave my office, it would me highly appreciated, thank you." He sat down at his desk and I left for my apartment, not believing what just was said.

Flashback End

Sorry it's short again.
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