The Wave (Part Two)

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Sorry it's taken awhile, but I finally got it done. Hope you love and enjoy it!

Naruto's POV
The silence was long and agonizing, with every step that I had taken down the beaten path in the forest with the others the more it jabbed it's way into my gut and twisting itself further in. The silence was so suffocating that it felt tangible, that I could reach out with a single hand at any time and touch it. It's presence was only broken by, the clients loud gulps as he downed his last bottle of sake and threw the bottle over his shoulder leaving a trail of broken clay bottles. No one dare speak first and disturb the beast that was the dreadful silence.

At the head of the group was my three other "team mates", they walked in a comfortable silence in a straight line, shoulder to shoulder. Then there was the client, an elderly drunk man with a rather rude attitude and fairly bad manners, even for me and I am not normally one to criticize others even if it is just in my mind. "But it is good to do so mate, after all it exercises good choose and judgement making. Though it is not good to always judge a person by their appearance like so many have done with you; it is however good to evaluate others before you interact with them, especially with how humans tend to be." I heard my lovers gentle voice in the crevices of my mind.

It was only then, after her gentle words, did I notice the only tolerable person here standing next to me, the only human that seemed to care of my existence in a positive light. Unknown to me, I had begun to stare at the man that I had grown to care for, more than any other, only second to the love of my life that still lived bond to me by that dreadful seal. It was then did he ever so elegantly turn his head to face me, locking eyes whilst we walked side by side. I quickly shifted my eyes away from his and stared intently at the ground, looking at my feet as they moved in sinc with his. A gentle red blush dusted across my cheeks showing my embarrassment at being caught and a nervous frown that crossed my face showing my unease towards the situation; which was caused by the unwanted thoughts about the conversation back in the hokage's office. With a dreadful pain in my heart and a twisting feeling in my gut, I scurried away from him, hoping that that little moment of forgetfulness wouldn't come  back and bite me later by the Hokage finding out and deciding to do something about it.

It was as I rushed away from him did my down cast eyes catch the sight of the blue sparkling surface of a puddle. "A puddle in the middle of the dry season." I mentally questioned no one in particular. My eyes narrowed darkly at the split second realization of the meaning behind this seemingly innocent pool of water. My mind helplessly screaming in alarm; "DANGER!!! DANGER!!!" It cried out, I quickly turned to the unknowing man just a foot or so behind me, with a look of pure worry and terror on my face. Just as sensi looked back at me, he noticed the face of what could only be described as fear. His eye hardened and sharpened in a dark and ominous way, one that could scare even the dead into waking.

At the very moment time frozen in place, from the innocent puddle came the connected forms of the Demon Brothers. Gozu and Meizu, twin brothers from the Village Hidden in the Mist; both chunin level missing-nin with a hefty price on both of their heads. They were dangerous foes indeed, even more so if they weren't alone and had their boss, Demon of the Hidden Mist, along with. Zabuza Momochi is another missing-nin, but jonin level this time, meaning that we're in bigger trouble if he's decided to tag along. However, the sight of these two causes me to question if they have either: a) fallen so low that they have to resort to attacking random passerby's or b) they are here for one of us; whether it be for sensi for some reason (possibly for the reward money for his head put in place by a rival village), or for the client which I have no idea why they'd want him, or for Sasuke/Naruko (possibly for ransom or for the possibility of being used as breeding stock for their bloodlines, they could have been hired by another village for that exact reason but it is highly unlikely). With a single swift movement, the Demon Brothers wrapped Kakashi in their poisonous and barbed chain. In a unnoticeable burst of a chakra, Kakashi used an unnoticed E-rank jutsu, one that every young shinobi knows. With a strong pull, the Demon Brothers seemingly tore Kakashi apart, but it was only really just some random log that was laying around not to far away.

This sudden appearance drew the attention of both the client and my other teammates, "One down, four more to go." Gozu called out to his brother, who smirked in a kind of blood thirsty hunger. Their next move was to rush straight for me and wrap me up in their chain just like what they had done with Kakashi. Time seemed to slow in an eerie way as they slowly ran towards my way, the silence that once plagued our group long forgotten as it was replaced by the sound of my racing heart and the tossed dirt and dust underneath their feet. Every muscle in my body tensed, all of which getting ready to be spring-loaded into action all at once. When they were just inches away from wrapping around me in their chain of blades, they released all of their tense energy and I used all of that energy to jump right out of the chains grasp; with that acutely unexpected action I took them both by surprise. Accompanying this rapid movement came an unexpected memory from one of the many training sessions in my mind, one that lead to my next action of attack. I promptly twisted my body that was still hung in the air after my elegant leap and stretched out my long skinny legs in a wide split. Both of my legs promptly making contact with both of the Demon Brother's heads in an astonishingly strong kick, which surprisingly was enough to knock them both out.

"Good job Mate/Naruto!" Said both my lover and the now unhidden Kakashi, I blushed from the unfamiliar praise and looked back down at my feet hoping for my bangs to hide the fact that I was blushing. Kakashi turned around and smiled his famous eye smile at the rest of the team, "You too Naruko, Sasuke, Sakura; nice job guarding the client." He said as they looked grimly at me; for one I didn't die like they all hoped, two I showed talent that a monster like me should have, and three they know that Kakashi has me as his favorite and that he didn't truly mean the praise that he gave to them. "Now Tazuna, do you have any idea as to why those two were after you?" He asked, voicing my curiosity as I tied the Demon Brothers to the base of a near by tree with a rope that I had stowed away in my bag. The once indifferent old man, was now sweating bullets at the pressure that was put on him by the unwavering stare of my sensi.

To be continued...

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