The Wave (Part Three)

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Narrator's POV

"Now, now don't get any crazy ideas. I've never see those two buffoons in my life." Tazuna yelled as the sake that he had previously drank began to cover his now pale skin in a thick layer of sweat, which gave him the appearance of a freshly glazed pig before being set over the fire to be roasted.

"Sure you may not have known them personally, but they certainly do know the man that hired them to come after you." Spoke Kakashi all to calmly as he one visible eye peered down at him. Tazuna didn't say a word, simply resigning to looking off to his left as he increasingly began to sweat and grow pale under the pressure. It was obviously that he knew something, but he clearly wanted to keep that something to himself, even if it made the difference between life or death for Team 7. "Alright, be that way then." Kakashi huffed before turning to speak to his little genin. "Come along everyone, we're heading back to the village." Kakashi called out to them as he turned to head back, only to stopped by Tazuna's panicked cry.

"Wait! Wait! Alright I'll tell you! Just don't leave me!" Tazuna cried with a look on his face that was not at all like the drunk man that was in his place a few minutes before hand. Kakashi turned back around to face Tazuna with a bored look on his face, which could only be summarized as an "I'm waiting" look. Defeated, the now sober Tazuna signed, before looking him in the eye and starting his explanation. He spoke about the problems that the Land of Wave faced, and how his bridge would solve all of those problems, but it was unwanted by the unofficial ruler of the small country. By the end of it, Kakashi look rather done with life as he let out a tired sign.

"Why did you pay for a C-ranked mission then? At the very least, this is a B-ranked mission, if not an A-ranked. This isn't a mission for greenhorn genin, no matter how many D-ranked missions that they have performed." Kakashi spoke with a slightly frustrated tone, whilst his genin looked on at their conversation.

"You don't think I would have payed for higher ranking ninja if I could? All of the money that was left in the Wave was put into this mission, everything else is being horded by Gato! My bridge and I are all that stands in the way of him completely taking over the country. So you have to listen to me, when I say that I need your help." Tazuna shouted as he got increasingly more worked up as the conversation went on. "Please, if you leave now we will have lost and I will have to return to my Daughter and Grandson with may death warrant taped to my back. If i don't get killed on the way there that is." He cried purposefully trying to tug at their heart strings.

Kakashi looked back at his genin, each of them seemed to have fallen for the trap as they each had a look of determination on their faces - even though Naruto's face was more so pointed at the ground then anything else and Sasuke having a blank stare that gave away his true feelings in his eyes. Kakashi turned back to the client only to be met will a look that could only be described at a rather terrible attempt at a pouting puppy-dog eye look. This brought a withering sign from in between his lips as he reached up to pinch the bridge of his nose. "Fine." He said as Tazuna's face lit up with relief and possible joy from getting his way. "But," He started squashing that look really quickly, "Only if my team wants to continue on, after all from here on out their lives will be on the line, and I may not be able to protect all of them. So, if even one of them disagrees then the mission is off and we head back to the Leaf."

They both looked at the four genin for confirmation. Naruko and Sakura both gave verbal confirmation with determined and excited looks, whilst Sasuke giving a bland "Hm" and a slight bob of his head. It was then that all eyes were on the smallest member of the team, Naruto. Tazuna looked on at him with hopeful eyes, whilst his three other team mates glared at him, as if daring him to deviate. Naruto nervously lifted his gazed to meet Kakaski's. Kakashi's concerned gaze silently telling him that it was okay if he didn't want to continue on. That concern however wasn't needed, as he hardened his once nervous gaze with determination and gave his confirmation with a sturdy nod.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2020 ⏰

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