Survival Of The Fittest ( Part One)

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Kakashi's POV
I smiled at Naruko's answer for her introduction to the team. She was a bubbly smiley young lady that loves to laugh and be with family and friend. But it was that thought that brought me to remember a certain blonde headed, whisker cheeked boy. The eldest of two, and the only son of both the yellow flash and the leafs red demon. And it was this thought in return that brought up floating question marks in my head and neon signs.

When I first arrived, he has his eyes cast downwards towards his feet twenty- four seven, permanently in a state of lower being. And as I carefully watched them walk up to the roof, he keep a minimal distance of a few feet away from his other teammates. But what really concerned me was when he went to sit down with the others. There was obviously enough room for a small figure like him to sit, but his sister slide over just enough so what that there was no room. So he just took to standing against the wall, and he apparently felt my gaze, when he got extremist tense, so I lifted my gaze off of him.

Everything ended normal with everyone's responses with small exceptions, like how Naruko mentioned her parents instead of saying her family, excluding Naruto once more. Sasuke mentioned wanting to kill two separate people, one could obviously be identified as his brother, but the other I had no clue to who it was. And before any of this took place Sakura mentioned an object of disliking that she wished never was getting a round of nodds from both Naruko and Sasuke, agreeing on the statement. But it was at all of these mentions of hate that caused a dead look to appear on my financial students face.

Could their haste possibly for Naruto? No it couldn't be.

But it was when I asked for him to introduce himself did another emotion flow it's way onto his face. First it was confusion, and for the first time he looked up at me, they were surprised to having locked glances with each other. And for just a moment those once dead eyes began to twinkle in admiration and warmth. The warmth and happiness that radiated off of him was that of an angle of some sorts or that of a pure higher being. It bathed me in a since of warmth and loving that I had only felt once before, when I held baby Naruko for the first time. The feeling of her small hands gripping onto my larger finger, her blue eyes radiating love, the sound of her first giggle, and her absolutely adorable gummy smile. It was the feeling of witnessing the joy of a new born for the very first time, I wanted to see that emotion on his face forever, but like all good things, they have to come to an end.

" Don't talk to that thing sensi, it's best if you just ignore it. Eventually it'll go away or kill itself." Came the anomaly cold voice of Naruko, and just as quickly as the emotion began to show, it disappeared. Naruto flinched and his face one again because desolate and barred, void of any emotion with an exception for a deep depression that covered his face and over all body language. His eyes becoming fed once more and the amazing twinkling snuffed out. My heart dropped in an instant, questioning myself of this new development.

How could she say that? He's her brother for kami's sake. I must inform sensi and his wife of this development.

My brow duties in anger and I said in a rather harsh tone," Naruko! That is no way to spread to your team mate. Now let him speak and listen just like he did for you. Now you may not like him but, he is on your read whether you like it or not. Now please, introduction." I smiled toward Naruto, gif eyes were wide with shock of current events. " I- I," his voice was hoarse as if not having been used in forever. He looked nervous around, guys teammates giving him quiet sneer's, and hateful glares. Sweat started to build up, and his lips trembling, tears teased his eyes. He than shouted a quick," I'm so sorry, but I can't!" And he leaped over the railing past me. I spun around and leaned over the edge to see if he was okay, but he was gone. The others dig as well but groaned and pouted, probably wishing he had killed himself.

" Meet me tomorrow at 7 am at training ground 7 for a surgical mission and don't eat or you'll puke." I quickly stiff before plugging award to try and dine my other student. When I did he was leaning against a tree in the first crying, hyperventilating, and trying to treat his hair out in the futile position. " Oh, Naruto." I said softly, heart heavy and stomach twisting into knots.

___________________________________________ Sorry for it being so short-lived past two will be coming out soon.__________________

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