Laugh all you want

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Narrator POV
It had been a month since they started training and things didn't change for the better since then, they only got worse for the blonde. His parents found out that someone was training him, or at least figured it out. So as punishment they acted as if he didn't exist, they didn't look at him, they didn't answer him, they didn't refer to him anyway or shape, they simple saw him as a disappointment of a son, not like he was ever a son too them to begin with. His younger sister doing the same but at night when she knew her parents were asleep, she'd sneak into his room with some of her training equipment and beat him. Like it wasn't enough for him being already beat be the villagers.

This went on for a long while until Naruto and his sister started the academy. He'd made friends, but as soon as he started to smile, his sister swooped in and swiftly took them away. By the end of the day, everyone hatred him and avoided him, they ignored him just like how his parents and sister did to him.

If he even tried to talk to anyone they'd walk away and start laughing about how stupid he was to think he could talk to them. This went on and on, for how long? To the depressed golden flower, forever. Slowly he stopped, stopped trying and hoping he'd be seen, and started wishing he died. He stopped talking, he stopped looking up at their scary and mocking faces, he just stopped. He stopped because it was too painful for him to continue, he stopped because he just couldn't do it anymore.

One motherly figure, cried over him day and night, angry at the treatment her host got compared to the treatment he deserved. She cried and cried, but they just didn't stop. Over time with this treatment the blackness of his mind evolved to a barren and dry sewer like plane, but as time went on, still her tears kept coming and coming. Slowly her treats began to fill the space below. Inch by inch, foot by foot, yard by yard, it began to fill. It continued to fill until she couldn't cry anymore. Her eyes although always were red, we're now even more so. He cheeks wet from uncontrollable tears. She felt terrible and what took the cake was, how she couldn't do a thing. Night after night, he'd appear crying and hugging himself just out of arms reach until he finally gave out and stood up and leaped through the bars of her cage, into her arms.

Afterwards they'd train but not like they use to in the very beginning when there wasn't so much pain.

Although he wished to die and just give up, he didn't he just kept at it. Although he was strong he was also weak, and although he went on it didn't mean he wanted to die any less. He went on for one person in the entire world, neigh it was he, but a person that lived deep inside him. He lived because he began to realize that if he were to die, she would too. So he kept on living because of her, because he loved her more than he should.

~Time skip-few years~
Naruto's POV
It was the graduation exams, and we were at the final stages of the test, one by one each student would get called in and take the final stage. I waited patiently in the back of the room, pulling at the sleeves of the black long sleeved shirt I had on. My eyes were down cast, full well knowing my place in the food chain - the bottom. I didn't speak, my physical lips not having split apart to speak in years. Since I haven't been spoken too by kids - let alone the general public - in years.

I swiftly got up and walked to the testing room as my name was called. Iruka sensi sat in a chair with a clip board in his hands and started blurting the required actions to pass, obviously bored. I did them properly and well done, passing with flying colors I grabbed a black forehead protector and tied it around my neck. When I walked out I heard whispers and giggles about the stupid theories my classmates had on how I possibly passed. My ears burned and once I sat down, all by my lonesome self, I covered my ears and my eyes held shut tightly. Everyone refused to sit next to me or behind me, so I had the entire back row to myself.

When the bell rang I waited until I was the only one left in the room and slowly got out of my seat and exciting the building. My bands shadowed my eyes as they nervously darted around watching as parents, siblings and other students whispered about me - mostly making fun of me. Once I cleared the school grounds, I ran towards the residence of the hokage's family. I opened the door not even given a glance as my parents praised my younger sister for passing. They were talking of a celebration party and inviting all her friends. I paid no attention to the party talk and walked upstairs to my room. I laid down on my old bed and closing my eyes to my mind scape.

I stood in front of a giant cage, the salty waters of Kurama's tears reaching to my knees. I saw her gentle hands gripping the bars of her cage facing me with a smile saying a simple " I'm proud of you, you passed" look that meant the world to me. All though I knew she wasn't like the others my body couldn't help but nervously make eye contact.

I launched myself at her into her arms smiling a small smile of warmth and love, and it was greatly returned with the same love and warmth. I loved her to the moon and back because she was the one person out of many that knew me and accepted me before anyone else did, before anyone else would/still wouldn't. She was there for me when not even my own blood family was. She loved and cared for me, she trained me to be a ninja - to protect myself when she couldn't like she wanted to for years.

If only I could say that to her face - that I loved her. But I'm afraid, afraid that I'll only push her away like everyone else did to me. I don't want to be alone, especially when it finally feels like I have a heart that I can love with after all the things that are thrown my way. I finally can love someone, but the fear of losing them only grows each passing day.

If only I could just say it, those three simple words - I love you. With the feeling and emotion that words can't describe. If only....

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