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Naruto's POV
" Wake up sleepy head." Came the loving, sweet voice of my red haired mother with a warm smile. Father not too far away with a hot plate of blueberry pancakes and the same comforting smile, and my younger sister was standing in the corner of the room, looking away with a pouting face that was dusted with red in embarrassment and her hands out stretched with a beautifully wrapped present in them. I loved the warmth that came from the sight, I reached over to my mother's face, but just as I my finger tips came choose to touching her cheek, they disappeared. I let my arm go limp and hang off the side of the bed, and my eyes saddened. How I wished that to happen, to be finally loved by my family, even though I knew that it was stupid to wish such a thing when I knew it would never happen. I hid my displeasure at the day dream, and got up for the day. I decided to wear a long black sleeved shirt with dark green anbu style pants, a pair of black boots, my black kunai pouch with white bandages around my right thigh, my black leaf head protector around my left bicep, and lastly a red bandanna around my neck.

I ventured outside the safety and comfort of my room, and down the wooden stairs, it seemed that the world slowed to an unbearable rate and the only thing that could be heard was the thump of my heart beat and the light taps of my shoes against the wood flooring. I strolled by the kitchen table where my mother and younger sister sat and my father made breakfast with a pink apron on. While they enjoyed their life, I strolled by struggling to survive against the harsh treatment from the village. They could sit down and play games, having the time of their lives, while I had to throw away such moments because of what everyone thought I was. I couldn't sit down to eat with my family, or play games, or train, or even talk, instead I was thrown into the harsh reality of life causing me to have to mature sooner than most. It was true that I wished for waking up to them never have treated me like this, that it was all a dream but it was the harsh truth that it was a dream that made me come to loath their very existence.

I sat alone in the back of the class room my eyes down cast as the chatter of my classmates filled my ears. Once and a while I'd hear them talk about me, the monster, laughing at me, mocking me and my pathetic existence. Their faces circled around me taunting me with their words, laughing in pure joy. I shut my eyes closed as tight as I could, tears welling up, my face scrunched in fear and displeasure, I clapped my hand over my ears. But then I was broken from my episode by the sound of Iruka's boring speech about graduating. I tried to even out my breathes, so I looked out the window watching as the birds that sat on the trees and the window sills. But it seemed that even the birds didn't want anything to do with me as they seemed to notice my gaze and flew away. I sighed in disappointment, but continued my gaze watching as the leaves waved in the wind.

Minutes past by with boring talk of the team's, but just as if I was cursed, I got stuck with Sasuke Uchiha, Sakura Haruno, and my sister, Naruko Uzumaki Namikaze. They all turned around to glare at me saying that I should have failed or better yet never have been born. I flinched and leaned down to my desk as close I could get, trying to disappear. They saw the flinch and smirking as if knowing I was crumbling apart, and the true of it was that it was true, I was falling apart.

An hour or two passed and we were the only team left, still waiting for our sensi. But with a puff of smoke, Kakashi appeared with that orange book of his. Naruko was banging her head against her desk, because he didn't go through the door where she set up a trap ( an chalk board eraser) because he knew her too well. " Meet me on the roof in five." He said not looking away from his book before disappearing in smoke. So they got up and traversed up the stairs with me following a good distance behind.

Once in the roof, they say on the steps overlooking the viewing platform railing where Kakashi sensi stood, leaning against it. There was enough space at the for me to take a seat and as I approached it Naruko slid over, staging up the space so I just took to keeping my eyes at my feet and stood against the wall. Kakashi gave a look towards my way, I tried to ignore the overpowering stare, I shut my eyes tightly until I couldn't feel his glance anymore. " Uh, how about let's start with an introduction." Kakashi said, finally putting his book away.

" What should we say sensi?" Sakura asked, " Let's see, your name, likes and dislikes, goal and hobbies." Kakashi answered almost right away. " Okay, but how you go first." She replied stupidly. Kakashi pointed at himself before saying his reply just as stupid," Who me? Alright then, my name's Kakashi and I'm your new sensi. I like a lot of things and dislike a few other things, my goal, I've never thought about it much, and I have a lot of hobbies. So, who's next?" The whole team sweat dropped while I sunk into myself thinking a sullen thought, " I'm the thing he doesn't like."

Kakashi pointed at Sakura as a cue that it was her turn, " My name's Sakura Haruno and I like, well the person I like is... My goal in life is.... My hobby is...." Everyone including me, sweat dropped at her answer. " And your dislikes?" Kakashi asked. " My dislikes are one certain thing that should never exist." Sakura said having sausage and Naruko nodding their heads in agreement. Kakashi looked confused but didn't question it. " Next." He said and Sasuke answered next," My name is Sasuke Uchiha and I hate a lot of things, but have few likes. I don't have any hobbies and my only goal in life is to kill certain someone's."

Kakashi nodded in acknowledge that he heard him, he gave a gesturing look at Naruko, saying it was her turn now. " My name is Naruko Uzumaki Namikaze and I like my parents, friends, ramen and training. I dislike a certain someone, jerks, and the three minutes it takes to cook the ramen. My goal in life is to be the first female hokage and best my mother and father. My hobbies being training, eating ramen, and spending time with my parents and friends." Kakashi smiled a warm grin that radiated love and pride. " Alright whiskers your next." He said. I was confused so I gathered the confidence that I gained from my curiosity and looked up at his masked face. He's eyes lasted on me and I then realized he was taking to me. Me of all people, someone finally talked and acknowledged me. I felt warmth gather into my chest and the slightest smile as I surpassed the need to cry and laugh in happiness.

" Don't talk to that thing sensi, it's best if you just ignore it. Eventually it'll go away or kill itself." Came the voice of my sister, and just as the warmth gathered and appeared, it disappeared. The smell smile I just barely expressed being destroyed along with it. I cast my eyes down at my feet again, my eyes becoming dull and pained. The only true emotion I truly know how to deal with and express.

_______________Sorry for taking so long I've been busy with high school, there's a lot of homework😞_____________________________

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