The Wave (Part One)

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Naruto's POV
One week, two weeks, three weeks, four; as each one came and went I had taken up the task given to me by the love of my life to tare off one ninth of the seal for each week that started and eventually ended, soon hopefully ending what bond her inside my body. Hopefully ending what always kept her just out of reach to finally fulfill the goal of ever lasting love in life. Soon I wouldn't have to worry about all the hate, all the anger, all the sadness, all the blood thirsty filled rage that everyone seemed to have for me. Soon all there would be is love; love was all I'll ever need.

Time skip

Today was the day, the day that my "team" would get their first C-Ranked mission, the mission to the wave; the very mission that would change everything.

Narrator's POV
"Anbu, bring in the client." The fourth hokage spoke glancing a piercing yet calculating gaze towards Naruto, analyzing for any kind of trouble starting behavior. Minato wanted this mission to go smoothly, with no room for chaos or discord, let alone error, to leak into and destroy everything; to destroy the already shaky treaty with the wave country, to possible hurt his beloved daughter, and to corrupt his last remaining student that he already had his suspicions about.

In a brief few minutes the client, though drunk, waltzed into the hokage's office like he owned the place. Tazuna looked around the office and at his so-called "escort team" with sceptical eyes, he scuffed in disapproval before taking another swig of his sake before tossing the empty clay bottle over his shoulder into the unsuspecting hands of an anbu who fumbled with it voraciously, trying not to drop it and let it shatter into pieces on the waxed wood flooring of the hokage's office. When it was firmly secured in his hands, he let out a quiet nearly noticeable sigh of relief before quickly vanishing into thin air to properly discard of the bottle.

This little fiasco however was noticed by everyone in the room, excluding the very man that tossed it in the first place; with a clearing of his throat, Minato began informing the team of some last minor details to the mission that he had previously overlooked. With one final nod in understanding, Kakashi left in a puff of smoke after informing his team to meet at the east gate in an hour and to all go home and pack. This left Sakura, Sasuke, and Naruko to leave via the door along with the drunk bridge builder (who left to go buy more sake), but before Naruto could leave as well, there came a call of his name.

"Naruto," On his tongue, the word itself felt foreign and treated almost fool, "I need to discuss something's with you, concerning your "mission"." Minato called, very word that came from his lips effectively stopping Naruto's heart repeatedly, after all who wouldn't after going over half your life being ignored by that very person. Naruto audibly gulped in fear, slowly turning around in the direction of his "father".

"Come closer." Minato nearly growled out, causing a shock wave of uncontrollable tremors, along side mountains of piling fear to build up within Naruto's being. With shaky legs, Naruto took small steps towards the desk, before simply stopping a mire foot away from where he previously stood just moments earlier.

"Come even closer." Minato called once more, Naruto took slow, small steps even closer, barely even moving Minato found it appropriate to comment. "God dammit boy, I don't have all day to wait on you! Come closer!" He shouted with an obvious growl to his tone, this caused Naruto flinch violently before nearly jumping to a distance of only a foot away from the edge of the man's desk. Satisfied Minato sat back in his chair and began to speak, "On this mission, I expect you to do nothing that may compromise our fragile relations with the wave or cause any problems minor or major that might endanger your teammates." Minato glared at Naruto looking for any wandering of his eyes from the floor, the place where they should always be. "And another thing, don't talk to Kakashi ever again, even if he's the one talking to you in the first place. I don't want you to say another corrupting word from your mouth ever again to him. He is my last student from my only genin team, I won't sit ideally by whilst you drag him down into darkness. Do you understand me?" Minato calmly stated, staring at his "son".

Naruto merrily straightened his arms out in front of him, his sweaty hands balled into tight knots, before nodding ever so slightly, not daring enough to lift his head even a little bit.

"Answer me!" Minato yelled, slamming his fists down on his desk, briskly standing up in fury, his eyes burning in anger. "Yes, sir!" Naruto speed back surprisingly loud do to his frightened state of mind. After those words left his mouth, he couldn't stop shaking, afraid of the fury that his father may beat down upon him for what he said, more like how he said it.

"You are to only answer me with your words when addressing me, do you understand?" Minato asked glaring down at Naruto with what one would say was pure darkness. "Yes sir." Naruto answered shrinking in on himself at the glare that he felt through his scarred skin. "Good, now leave my sight at once." Minato growled out, watching as Naruto quickly shuffled out of his office as he himself try to calm his heart down from his anger whilst he sat back down in his chair.

To be continued

Hello, it is me the author. Sorry for taking so long I was in a rut that I couldn't get out of, as well as being bombarded with a lot of stuff to do. I hope this satisfies your taste buds for a short will, well at least until I can sit down in the peace'n quiet and write some more. But until than I hope you enjoyed this chapter even though it's rather short.
Love you guys, and remember to stay nerdy.

Love you guys, and remember to stay nerdy

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