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It was almost midnight before their parents went to bed. Emaline just started to break the fever she had developed that morning. Calum slept down stairs in his sister's room to make sure she was okay through the night.

Everything was quiet, until Calum heard the backdoor open. He waited a moment listening to see if it was just dad letting the cat out, but he keep hearing shuffling and clinking.

Quietly he got out of bed and crossed the room to the door. Since it was opened a few inches and the street light illuminated the kitchen and the hallway, he could see the tall man with a bag and a gun. He didn't know what to do as he was only seven, and his parents were upstairs in their bedroom.

Quietly he went over to the night stand by Emaline's bed and grabbed the baby monitor. "Daddy there's someone in the house. He has a gun." Calum knew there was a chance his dad didn't hear him, but also the chance the man in the house did.

After a minutes of hugging the baby monitor to his chest, he woke his sister. Pressing a finger to her lips to keep her from crying he whispered, "We need to hide."

When he received a nod he took her by the hand and lead her to the closet in the room. Unfortunately he forgot the doors squeaked and they gained the attention of the man.

The sound of footsteps entered the room and Calum hugged Emaline, mostly to keep himself calm. A shadow slid under the closet doors causing Calum to panic. His heart was racing from fear, he feels his hands start to shake. The action making him panic even more to where his whole arms starts to shake.

"No!" He screamed and threw his hand out to the doors sending them flying. Pulling his sister through the now walk in closet and into the kitchen. One of the doors had hit the man so they were able to make it into the living room.

"Mom! Dad!" Calum yelled trying to wake his parents. When they didn't come at his cry it only made him more upset.

"Callie, what's wrong?" Emaline asked him. She was only three years younger than him but would still get worried when she saw him crying.

Calum felt the floor of the house start to shake and watched items around them fall to the ground. Tears were rolling down both children's faces when the man was heading toward them.

"Calum! What's wrong sweetie!?" Calum's mom yells over the rumbling.

Pulling Emaline toward the front door he grabs the most recent photo of the family near him and leaves the house. Continuing onto the street, Calum looked back to see his house starting to collapse.

The siblings had barely made it out of their house before it collapsed. But their parents weren't that fortunate.


Michael just got home from school and went to play video games. He knew that once his dad got home he would be grounded for a while. His mom had to pick him up from the Disciplinary Office, he had burned a kid's arm with what the school said was a lighter. But his parents knew better than that.

Michael had always been a troubled child, but it never went as far as he hurt someone with his powers. He was 'gifted'. At least his parents say he was given a gift from God, but Michael never believed it. To him it was a punishment because of what he did three years before.

The sound of the front door closing was Michael's cue to start down stairs. It was his mom that made him hurry though.

"So Michael, how was school today?" His dad asked him forcing a smile. His eyes were angry, and made Michael want to be unseen.

"It was fine." He swallowed.

"Your mother told me she picked you up from the Disciplinary Office today." His dad's tone was calm but it was rough and forced. "Would like to tell me why or is your mother going to?"

Michael looked down, "I burnt someone."

"Why did you burn them?"

"He called me a freak!" Michael snapped. He didn't like being called a freak, he didn't like that person in general either.

"Michael that is no reason to burn them." His dad was staying surprisingly calm and it scarred Michael. He was never this calm about anything he got in trouble for. "I'm taking your video games, this was the last straw for me son."

"Dad no! Please, it's the only way I feel normal." Michael begged.

"Michael Clifford! You are just as normal as everyone else, just because you can do things others can't doesn't make you abnormal." His dad was now angry, Michael could tell by the look in his dad's eyes.

"No I'm not! I'm a freak!" Michael yelled, the action surprised both his parents due his hatred for the word.

But what the family didn't realize is that when he let his anger go out of control, he caused a spark from the lamp beside him. That spark started an electrical fire.

The same fire that killed his family. The same way his best friend died.


Lucina sighed as she sat down on the couch. She never meant to get in trouble, she just wanted to play on the playground for school.

Her dad had picked her up from the principles office, and was very upset with her. He had noticed her change in behavior lately but thought nothing of it, that was until that very moment.

"Lucina," Her father started softly. "What did you say to your teacher today before recess?"

Lucina hesitated for a second then began her explanation. "I told her she was mean to not let me go outside, and that Captain Doom would kill her."

Her father remembers she is only five, and that her imagination is huge. But that does not give her reason to talk that way, especially to an adult.

"Lucina, you can't talk to people like that." Her dad stated. "You got in trouble for saying that to your teacher."

"But Captain Doom said it first!" Lucina stands up pointing to nothing but the plant.

"Honey, Captain doom is apart of your brain so if he said that means you said it before he did." Her father was starting to get frustrated with her.

"No." Lucina screeched and closed her eyes as she felt a pain in her head. "I don't believe you!"

"Lucina stop, you're being irrational!" Her father walked away so he could go calm down, but what he didn't realize was that his daughter actually summoned a demon.

That demon killed her parents and sister.

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