Chapter 1: Mutants

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Mutation, it is the key to our evolution. It has enabled us to evolve into the dominant species on the planet. This process normally takes thousands and thousands of years. But every few hundred millennia, evolution leaps forward.


"Emma?" I hear Michael call from the door, a thud on on the counter tells my he brought food home. I break out of my blanket cocoon to pause Supernatural so I don't miss anything.

"Over here." I throw my hand up and wave it. I was running too high of a fever to go into work, so I stayed home. Keeping the blanket around me, I sit up slowly to give him room to sit down.

"Hey baby." Michael comes around the couch to sit beside me. "You feeling any better?"

"I've thrown up a couple times, but I feel a little better than this morning." I lean against him smiling when he kisses my forehead. He breathes a deep breath in keeping his lips on my head.

"You still have a fever," He pulls away. "I bought some ramen and chicken noodle soup for you."

"Thank you." I kiss his cheek awkwardly and get up with the blanket around me.

See Michael and I are together, we just aren't as serious as he wants it to be. It's mainly because I am afraid of getting to close to someone. I have the ability to control the emotions of others or effect others with my emotions, I can also absorb peoples abilities and keep them for however I like. I actually have the ability of a little girl who could control the behavior of animals.

My brother has the ability to create and control vibrations, but his ability comes with side affects. He has to wear a special type of fiberglass casts on both of his forearms because the vibrations he releases from his body gives him hundreds of tiny fractures to the bones in his arms. He has total control over it now unless he get scarred or upset, then it gets a little overwhelming for him.

Michael can create and control electricity. Yeah he has fun with that, but he has to be careful because in thunderstorms his electricity can get very high in voltage. When the apartment complex we live in lost power he snuck downstairs to the generator and recharged it. It really comes in handy when we forget to pay the bills.



I feel someone elbow me in the ribs and look to my right. Harry smirks and then motions to the front of the classroom. He knows I didn't get much sleep last night, I kept hearing noises outside my apartment door. That has been going on for several weeks now.

It also doesn't help that along with going back to school I am juggling three jobs on my shoulders. I have three jobs because of the rent for my apartment and then the tuition for school.

My sister offered to let my stay with her and her boyfriend and just split the rent between the three of us. I said no being the type of person I am feeling like I would intrude on their space.

Harry also offered to let me stay with him until I am done with school, but he is interested in me and it is completely one sided. I feel bad that I haven't told him I'm not interested, but I just don't think I could hurt him like that.

"Alright class be sure to get plenty of rest over the weekend, you will have a test first thing Monday on the materials we covered this week." Dr. Patterson says gathering his things to leave.

As fast as I can I stuff my class work and pen into the small backpack I carry, I need to get across the street as fast as I can. Emma and Michael are expecting me back at my apartment at noon for lunch.

"Hey Cal, wait up." Harry quickly shoves his notes into bag and stands up. He runs up beside me and steps in front of me. I see one of the girls that sits in front of me scowl at him then push her way through the opposite doors.

"Harry, my sister is waiting for me at my apartment." I say as I move around him. "I promised her I wouldn't be late this time."

"Okay, I can walk and talk." He says catching up to me and matching my pace.

I try to speed up but he just follows suit and stays right beside me. I know what he wants to talk about and I don't want to talk about yet.

"We need to talk about the other in-"

I cut him off quickly. "Harry I told you, I was upset and needed to blow off some steam. You promised me there was to be no feelings what so ever taken from it."

"I know, but Cal I-"

That's when I groan and pull him into the only bathroom that locks in the whole school, and kiss him. I know my sister is going to be passed that in late again, but he isn't going to leave me alone unless I do this.

Once he is half way seduced I quickly opened the door again and run for the exit. I don't stop running until I make it to my apartment and I lock the door behind me.

Harry is a pain in my ass.


Hey guys so this is my new story. I hope you like it so far. Well I am going to go since its 12.30 in the morning, try and get some sleep.

Good night guys.


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