Chapter 8: Alone

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A single leaf working alone provide no shade.


I've always had to do things myself, I was taken out of my home when I was six. My dad was an abusive drunkard, and my mom had been in a wheelchair for almost my whole life after an accident. When my teachers started to notice my bruises and broken bones I was moved out of that house and into foster care. I didn't want to leave but my mom couldn't take care of me, she could barely move her arms.

My first foster home was when being able to do things, like copying a karate move I saw my friend do perfectly and broke the coffee table. I then wanted to start Karate but in two months I was the highest black belt you could get. They had me learn different types of martial arts such as Tai Chi, Northern Shaolin Kung Fu, Hung Ga kung fu, Baguazhang, and Taekwondo. After their real son start a fight with me, I won, the sent me back in foster care.

My second set of foster parents found out about my specialness quick. I was at a birthday party, a couple boys wanted to spar and I went with it. Stupid choice, the kids didn't know anything about fighting. For punishment my foster parents didn't let me continue martial arts, I was only 9. It's not like I knew they didn't know how to fight.

I stayed with that family until I was eighteen, I was in Gymnastics, Wrestling, Martial Arts Club, and I was able to strengthen my abilities. One day a kid from another school found out I was mutant causing a scene, when I didn't fess up to the accusations he started a fight. I put the guy in the hospital with a broken leg and a dislocated shoulder. After that people thought I was a fun person to start fights with, I was in a hundred and four fights. Four of those were serious with people ending up hospital.

After my foster parents finally gave up on me, they sent me to the Juvenile Detention Center. They kicked me out of their life, but that's alright since a year and half later I got out. A guy named Louis Tomlinson said he would keep me in check and be my official guardian.

That's where I am now. On my way to meet the person who has looked after me since I got out of Juvie. A car came to pick me and is taking me to where I am supposed to meet him. I guess he's pretty important since a car picked me up.

"We're here." The driver says stopping in an alleyway. No cars pass on the road behind us, the sun barely entering the alley leaving it in shadows.

I give the driver a look, "You're kidding, right?"

The driver laughs, "Just get out of my car kid!"

I do as told and get out of his car. Since the alleyway is basically shadows, the air is cold or is because something isn't right. I watch as the car drives away leaving me stranded and alone. "Oh great, there goes my ride back into reality."

"He'll come back when I call him." A voice sounds from behind me. I jump into a fighting stance, a man around the age of 25 stands with his back against the wall. "Hey now, here I am wanting a civilized meeting and you get jumpy."

"Well when you sneak up on someone who has enhanced hearing, they get a little jumpy." I put my arms down moving my lower half to a more comfortable position. "Are you Louis?"

"It's nice to finally meet you Luke." Louis closes the distance between us and sticks his hand out me. When I take his hand a smile appears on his face. "I'm glad you came, you are one of our most valuable hitman. You have taken out so many of the targets, and also gotten closer to Ashton than anyone else."

"But I haven't killed him yet." I sigh, "He's hard to break."

"We realize that," Louis nods, "that's why the company has decided to give you a partner. Well partners to be exact."

"I don't need a partner." I shake my head, "they'll only hold me back."

"Okay that actually hurt, just because I'm 25 doesn't mean I'm not capable of being fast." Louis puts a hand on his chest faking hurt. "I guarantee I am much faster than you."

I cross my arms and raise an eyebrow now offended. "Oh really now?" I gasp when he disappears with a whoosh noise and reappears up on a fire escape. "You can teleport!?"

"Like I said, I am much faster than you." Louis teleports in front of me again. "Now for the other two, they haven't finalized the agreement yet, I can tell you they won't disappoint you either."

I smile, "Who are they?'

"You will soon find out, but you have to be patient for right now." Louis smiles.

Before I can blink Louis is gone, I am back in the city, and my mind is racing. After all these years of fighting all alone, I now have three people to rely on. Maybe my luck is starting to change.

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