Chapter 2: Almost

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I will fight for it. I will not give up. I will reach my goal. And absolutely nothing will stop me.

~Jillian Baker


I can see him from the top of the building, but he doesn't even sense me. He is the one that I can't ever touch, it's almost like a 'No Luke' spell has been put on him. Every time I have ever tried to collect the bounty on him, I either just beat up or someone calls the police.

I can barely hurt him, so how will I ever kill him.

The diner is one of those that the employees have to sing so it's quite busy all the time. The diner is at the usual peak of business due to people getting off for lunch. His hair tied back out of his face, a bandanna over his head, and a smile on his face at all times. The white polo work shirt, black pants, red bow tie, the the shiny black shoes. It just doesn't fit him. A place where his strength could be a curse. The people he has to deal with, his speed would come in handy but he doesn't use it.

The flashy white smile he sends to the people he is waiting on makes them smile as well. "I will have your drinks in a moment." He walks away into the diner going to retrieve their drinks. I can barely hear anything due to the wind. That's one bad thing about standing up here, you can't hear as well. The good is the perfect view of the street and the diner.

"No way you're getting away this time Irwin." I mutter. After climbing down the ladder, I cross the street to the diner. My hood is over my head and I wear a baseball cap to keep people from seeing my face. If the manager sees me he'll call the police right away. Taylor is also another one who seems untouchable.

I walk into the diner already searching for him. If I can catch him off guard I might have an advantage this time. The only problem is finding him with all the people in here. Every table is filled to capacity or damn well near. It's also extremely loud due to so many voice in one small area. It's enough to give me a headache.

I finally find him headed towards the bathroom. A smile spreads across my face as I make way to the same place. That's probably the best place to attack. Small area so he can't try and run, but also only allows him a limited amount of space. I pass a baseball team on the way and carefully slide on of the bats out of the backpack. I look around the bathroom before entering and lock it behind me.

Ashton is at the sink drying his face with a towel. He knows I'm in here, he always knows. He stands up straight and turns around. He expression is completely serious, his stance ready for any surprises. One strand of his hair is out of place, but other than that he is perfect.

"What are you planning to do with that bat Luke?" Ashton scoffs. "You never get close enough to hit me anyway, what makes you think you'll get close now?"

I bring the bat up and tighten my grip in the handle. He is taunting me to try and throw me off, but I won't let it. I can't afford to lose this time without landing at least one blow. "I just do."

"Alright then." Ashton sighs cracking his knuckles. Ashton takes his stance, his hands in tight fists at his sides. He thinks I won't get close, but I will.

Taking a deep breath I clear my mind. I let my legs take two fast steps then swing the bat. He drops to the floor with a speed I didn't expect first thing in this fight. I try and kick him in the head, but he blocks me with his forearm then reaches for my other leg. I hit his arm away with the bat and watch as he gets up at the same speed he got down with.

Once he is up I swing the bat again only this time it hits him in the side before he moved away. A groan is let out from his mouth before shaking it off kicking me in the stomach. With his kick I am sent backwards into the wall, the force alone making me head instantly flare with pain. I force myself not to fall in the floor and stomp on the end of the bat. After having my weapon once again start swinging at him again.

Ashton easily catches the bat mid swing, but I thrust it forward hitting his cheek bone. He hisses in pain and backs away some to recover. I go at him hitting him in the stomach, then the side. He drops onto his hands and knees, I take this chance to use all the strength to bring the bat down on his back. His limbs give out underneath him sending his body to the ground.

I whack his back again. Before realizing he had rolled over onto his back, I go to swing only for him to grab the bat. I notice his face, ferocious and determined. His grip on the end of the bat causes it to break off in splinters. My eyes grow wide as he then yanks the bat making me fly over him onto the floor, the bat skidding away from me.

The air is knocked out of me when I hit the ground. After a few seconds I force myself to get up. I bend my elbows, palms resting against the ground by my head. Rolling my knees up to my chest so I'm more on my upper back. Swinging my legs up and forward while pushing off using my hands, I arch my back and push my hands forward while my feet touch the ground. It take all my strength to keep myself from falling back down.

Ashton smirks at me knowing I'm running out of energy. I don't think I have much left in me, but I must push through this. I have to win this fight, or at least come close. I watch him take a step towards me and quickly do a Mauy Tai roundhouse kick to his hip. He grabs my leg before I pull it back, but I jump to kick him in the head. My action forces him to drop my leg to keep my body from hitting the floor. He goes to attack but push off my legs to kick him right under the chin twice, doing a backflip to land on my feet.

"You're really starting to make me mad Luke!" Ashton spits blood into the sink. Where I hit his cheek has already swelled and bruised. He holds his side for a moment insuring he is in pain there too. He takes a deep breath and I know that I know I'm in trouble.

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