Chapter 6: Headaches

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No family is perfect.. we argue, we fight. We even stop talking to each other at times, but in the end... family is family... the love will always be there.


I remember when I first met Ashton, he was on the same plane as me when I was coming to the US. His aura was depressing so I knew he wasn't on this plane because he wanted to, he was forced to be there. We were sat by each other, I could tell he was doing everything in his power not to look at me.

We talked mostly the whole flight, he finally cheered up after we were halfway there. I learned his family disowned him due to being a mutant. I found out when a turbulence caused him to jump and he broke the arm rest. I told him about me and we've been friends ever since. We actually lived together before Emma came into the picture.

"You ready?" Emma wraps her arms around my waist and lays her head on my shoulder. I smile and turn to face her.

"After a kiss." I place my hands on the sides of her face and lean down slightly.

She meets me halfway and presses a light kiss to me lips. "Okay, let go now. Calum is waiting." Emaline takes my hand and pulls me towards the door. I grab the keys off the counter, lock the door to the apartment then follow her to our car outside.

Since Calum is at Ashton's right now, we figured we would go hang out. Calum gets nervous easily, and that's the last thing we need right now. There have already been so many mutants murder by Luke, we really don't need the government finding out there is a mutant who can cause earthquakes. Emma is bad enough, she has to fight her powers that try to absorb mine. It's hard enough not being able to be around her sometimes when she's upset, I mean unless I want to kill myself. Okay that sounded bad, but it's true. Emma has empathy, which she can project onto people, and if she is upset enough it can make someone want to kill themselves. I almost did from not listening to her.

I park the car outside Ashton's apartment building and unlock the doors. "Good thing I trust Ashton, otherwise when you said you brother was staying my gay friend..."

"Yeah, I don't like it but If it's for Calum's safety than I can learn to like it." Emma gets out of the car and waits for me to come around. She intertwines our fingers and we walk into the apartment building. Ashton's apartment is on the third floor at the very back of the hallway, so Emma and I take our time climbing the stairs.  

"Thanks Jack!" Ashton's voice rings from behind them. I turn around and smile. Ashton has a big bright smile that lights up the room. His hair pulled back away from his face by a black bandana, a red sleeveless shirt and black jeans covering his slightly sun kissed body.

"Ash!" I smile at him.

"Hey Mike!" He jogs up the stair and throws his arm around my shoulders. "Calum is in my apartment, he was asleep on the couch when I left."

"Thank for saving him Ashton, I appreciate it." Emaline walks backwards in front of me so she can talk to Ashton. "He's the only family I have left."

"Well I heard Luke and I knew something was wrong. It just happened to be Calum." Ashton shrugs, his modesty kicking in.

Emma stops walking and hugs Ashton, he is surprised at first but recovers quickly. Ashton wraps his arms around my girlfriend, he looks at me with a smile. Emaline has never really liked Ashton, I mean she likes him but not in the friend way. More of an acquaintance really.

"Anyway..." Ashton clears his throat, Emma lets go of him smiling lightly. "I don't know if Calum is awake yet, but I have sodas and stuff."

"Why wouldn't Calum be up?" I ask giving a confused look.

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