Chapter 5: Stranger

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Depression is like a war you either win or die trying.



I grumble to myself as I walk out of the Super market. My boss made me work a double shift today because Josh didn't come in. I told him I had a meeting with my Realtor for my apartment, but he didn't care. So here I am in the five pm traffic trying to fight through the sidewalks of New York City. My bright red shirt reflecting the sun making it bright, and my skin darker.

My phone rings from my pocket causing me to groan. "Yeah." I know it sounds rude, but my sister is used to my bad mood after that job.

"Did you just get off work?" Emaline asks . I hear clanking in the background and figure it's just Michael making pizza.

"Yeah, Josh didn't come in so Trever made me work his shift." I groan. Turning to look on one of the store front clocks, I notice a tall boy with his headphones in watching me. "Janice is mad because I missed my meeting time, now we have to reschedule."

"I'm sorry Cal, I told you I could've gone for you." She sighs, "Anyways, Michael and I are making pizza if you want to come over for a bit." I roll the sleeves of my shirt back down over my braces. After a few good tugs, the sleeves finally slide over the arm braces.

"I'll think about it Emma, just let me go home and clean up." I turn around this time checking for cars, the blond boy is still following me. "I'm being followed." I let my voice stay as low as possible.

"Don't go home!" Michael butts in.

"Why would I go home?" I walk a little faster down the sidewalk weaving between people as I go.

"If I don't hear from you in ten minutes, I'm calling the police." Emma yells before I hang up.

As I turn the corner I feel someone grab my arm right above the brace and pull me into the alleyway. "Who are you!?"

The blond boy just smirks at me. "You'll find the answer to that question."

I back up until my back hits the brick wall, the boy getting closer and closer. I take a deep breath and let my right arm shake to it's will. I fling my arm up at him sending the vibrations from my arm through my hand and to the boy. The boy is thrown back against the brick wall behind him. The vibration wave wasn't as strong as it shouldn't of been, but it still was able to move him.

"A neat power you got there." The boy says. He smiles when my whole right arm shakes out of control due to the vibration echoing off the bones causing the shaking. "It's too bad you'll only have it for a few minutes longer."

I don't know why but I actually closed my eyes, almost like part of me wants to die. It's probably the part of me who is tired of living with the pain of knowing I have killed people. By accident, but I still did it. I don't really want to die yet though, and I won't either my powers will not allow it.

I open my eyes when I feel the ground shake and hear it crack. A boy slowly stands up between me and the blond, the pavement caved in a circle around him. The blond mutters something glaring at the boy, but he turns to me closing the space between us. He wraps an arm around my waist pulling me against him.

"Ashton, one day I will collect your bounty. And he'll be next." The other boy groans.

"Hmm..... I would love to see when that happens." Ashton smirks. After a moment, Ashton bends at the knees and I suddenly feel a rush of air. Then the air stops, I had to close my eyes to keep them from watering when the air hits. When I open my eyes I find that we are on the edge of the building. A gasp is released from my lungs and try back away quickly.

Ashton keeps a hold of me but strays away from the edge. "Afraid of heights?" Ashton asks.

"I just didn't expect to open my eyes and being so high." I respond. I adjust my eyes and find Ashton looking at the braces barely shown under my black long sleeves.

"My apartment is really close to here, you can stay at my house until I know it's safe." Ashton grips me again before jumping over the next couple rooftops.

My eyes widen as I realize a total stranger is taking me to their house. My breathing becomes uneven as I start to panic and my hands starting to shake. A ringing in my ears makes me close my eyes. Ashton stops after noticing my panic, and I feel his eyes on me. Damn anxiety!

"Are you okay?" Ashton asks. The ringing continues until that's all I hear. The edges of my vision to blur and turn black. "Hey!" I hear before my vision goes completely black.


I hear faint music and then slightly louder singing. My head hurt and my body aches. I sit up slowly groaning when my head starts pounding. When I open my eyes I take in the unfamiliar space around me. The small one bedroom apartment, the australian shepherd laying on the floor, then Ashton coming out of what seems like the bathroom.

"Hey you're awake!" He smiles slightly, beads of water falling from his hair and onto his shirt.

I sit up straight ignoring the protesting my my pounding brain, and continue to look around. "Where, am I?"

"My apartment," Ashton leans against the counter, which is only a couple feet away. With his arms crossed over his bare chest, he shrugs "I didn't know if Luke knows where you live so I kind brought you here."

From where I sit on the couch, I have a good view of him. From the healing bruises, I can tell he has been in a fight recently. There is a nasty looking bruise on his cheek bone with an equally nasty looking cut, and another at the bottom of his ribs. Another bruise stands out under his chin. He turns when his phone vibrates, his back in full view. I let out a gasp and immediately cover my mouth.

"What?" Ashton turns around quickly.

Nasty blue, purple, and black is all mixed into his back. I bite my lip, "You're back."

"Oh that, the guy that attacked you is still trying to kill me." Ashton sighs, "He tried to collect his bounty but failed."

"Emma!" I gasp again, I pat myself down for my phone. I don't want him to know that I was staring at him, but I do need to call my sister.

"Your sister Emma?" Ashton asks. He points to the coffee table where my phone sits face down. "She called when I got you here. Turns out I am actually good friends with her boyfriend."

"So she knows where I am?" I ask picking up my phone. "With a total stranger...." I whisper the last part but I have a feeling he heard me.

"Forgive me for not doing the from the beginning." Ashton walks closer to me sitting on the couch with me. "My name is Ashton Irwin."

I look at the hand he extended to me and debt whether to take it or not. I take and look directly into his eyes. "I'm Calum Hood, nice to meet you."

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