Chapter 10: Sister

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"Ashton!" One of my co-workers yells throwing me a towel to wipe down the last table. In return I throw him a spray bottle of cleaner. The diner closed at eleven, which is actually a little later than usual.

Since my boss decided to schedule me on a double shift, I had them schedule me on a break at twelve thirty and five thirty. Calum didn't even get out of school until twelve so I picked him up on my break to take him to work, he's been at the diner doing homework and such since nine thirty.

"Hey Nate!" I toss both the towel and spray bottle back. "See you tomorrow man."

"See Ash." Nate smiles waving. "It was nice meeting you Calum."

"You too Nate." Calum smiles at him gathering his work and stuffing it into his backpack. I motion for him to follow me and head outside.

"Man, I am tired!" I yawn. "And sore."

"I mean, you did work two eight hour shifts." Calum shoulders his bag waiting for me to get on my motorcycle. He slides his helmet on his head and holds himself with his arms.

"Yeah, I tend to do that a lot." I sigh straddling the bike. Calum swings his leg over as well and wraps his arms around my waist, his hands grabbing fists of my shirt.

I don't really need the money since my great grandparents were kind of rich, after my parents disowned me they decided that I need help. They sent me two thousand dollars every two months, but then they passed away. I guess at some point in my life they had taken a strong liking to me and put me to getting all their money.

So let's just say I am pretty good for money if I ever get fired or something happens.

Once at my apartment building, I drive over to the storage units but stop suddenly. Calum gasped holding tighter to me, the momentum of the stop making him slide into my back. He looks at the side of my face then follows my gaze. The motorcycle hums underneath me as I stare at the person in front of me.

"Kayla." I mumble under my breath. "I-It's been..."

"Four years." She responds.

"Uh, Ash." Calum whispers, his hand flattens against my stomach. "Who is that?"

I take a breath and turn my head towards him. "That's my sister. Kayla."

I invited Kayla in my apartment, Calum went straight to the bedroom. My sister sits down on the couch, I sit across from her. It's too quiet, I haven't seen her in years and I can't seem to say anything. My parents kicked me out of their life, I was forced to be on my own, I didn't get to go to college. There are so many questions I have wanted to ask her, but my voice seems locked away.

"Why are you here?" I mentally smack myself. Out of all the things I could've asked, I chose that. I am an idiot.

"It's the first place I thought of." Her voice breaks, she looks down at her hands in her lap. Her expression weakens as tears bream in her eyes. "I don't know how it happened, I just got angry at Josh and the next moment he's in the pool dead."

"Kayla, what happened?" I move in front of her and take her in mine. "What do you mean?"

"I was at a party I wasn't supposed to, my boyfriend Josh was drunk. He was all over these two girls, it upset me. I closed my eyes for a moment, when I opened my eyes again he was in the pool and everyone around where he was standing was completely soaked." Kayla explains, she squeezes my hands tight.

"Do you get bad headaches?" I ask biting the inside of my cheek. It's the only way that could of happened, but the mutant gene is there rare in our family.

"They're more migraines then headaches." She sighs examing the scars on my knuckles from that day Luke was at the diner. "There was a time before that when I fell into the spring and walked out completely dry."

"Kayla, you got the mutant gene. Did mom and dad know?" For some reason my reaction to this was happier than I expected.

"Yeah, that's why I'm here. After the party the police filed me as a mutant and let me off with a warning." She looks up to my eyes. Her eyes have turned more of a sea green then before. "Dad kicked me out saying I wasn't their daughter anymore."

"Well you welcome to stay here until you find a job, and I can help you find an aparment." I sit on the edge of the coffee table as Calum comes out of the bathroom in a pair of my sweats and a black t-shirt, his hair wet from the shower. "Calum and I can sleep out here in the living room so you can have my room."
Calum blushes slightly as Kayla and I both move our attention to him. His eyes lock with mine for a moment but quickly adverts them away.

"No, I can sleep on the couch. I probably won't be able to sleep anyway, I slept the whole flight." Kayla shakes her head.

"Alright, I guess we'll share my room. Just a warning, Calum and I leave at seven so if we wake you I'm sorry." I pat her hand thats still in mine.

I get her a blanket and pillow from my bedroom closet, Kayla instantly lays down on the couch. Calum sits on the edge of my bed looking a little nervous.

"I can sleep on the floor." I take off my shirt and turn my back toward the mirror. My fingers trace the bruise on my back.

"Did Luke do that to you?" Calum asks watching me. I face the mirror, my gaze locked with his, and nod. Walking over to my bed I keep my eyes on Calum.

"I got pretty friendly with a baseball." I laugh pulling my pillow off the bed, throwing it on the floor.

"You can sleep up here." Calum mumbles as I push my Pokéball fleece blanket over to my pillow with my foot.

I bite the inside of my cheek actually considering it. "No I'm fine with the floor. I slept on the floor all the time at my friends' houses."

"Fine...." Calum crawls up the bed and pulls the blankets over his head. "Night."

"Night." I smile as I lay on the floor.

I guess the floor isn't as bad as I thought it would be since my carpet is super fluffy, and I can hear Calum's breathing from down here. Just thinking about Kayla in the living room makes me sad, I never thought I would see her again but here she is in my apartment. My parents threw me out of the house leaving my sister, and Nico.

Calum must of known I was upset or thought I was a sleep, he gets on the floor behind me and hugs my back. He presses his face in between my shoulder blades, his breath warm on my bare skin.

At least I can relax now.

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