Chapter 3: Complicated

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You can't choose your family but you can ignore their phone calls.~ Rikki Knight


I always know when Luke is near, I know his footsteps. With how many times he has tried to kill me, it's not difficult to figure out. Plus I saw him one the building by the diner.

Now here I am trying to avoid getting hit with Northern Shaolin Kung Fu moves, while something in me is causing bleeding into my mouth. My cheek is swollen and probably bruised, same for my ribs and back.

Luke uses his powers to his advantage. His way of being able to see anything and then copy it perfectly, can be used against me easily if he only knew how to use it. He still goes into full offensive mode trying to attack which I easily counter with defense. When he goes to attack he usually drops his left shoulder and steps with his right, giving me a chance to block.

"You used too much energy trying to hit me with the bat." I tell him. I watch Luke's left shoulder drop and his right foot move a few inches. I jerk back, the blow meant for my jaw whizzed by in a blur of knuckles. From the corner of my eye, I see Luke's other arm begin an upward trajectory. I duck this time, and feel his hair ruffle with the force of it. Luke bends his knees and his right foot lift off the floor.

Drop to the floor. Roll clear, stand. Don't let him connect. Draw it out.

A rush of air goes over my head, I let out a silent breath of relief and get to my feet with great speed. Luke retrieved the now almost useless bat while I was down and gives an almost scary glare. When he tries to swing the bat, I throw a punch, but he ducks and my fist goes through the wall. He ducks under my arm and swings the bat again and this time it made contact.

My vision blurs after the bat hit the back of my head. "Okay, enough play time." I grab the bat yanking it from his hands and knock his legs out from under him with enough strength to break his bones in half. I hit him in the side with it twice before he tries to roll over. I give a swift kick to his stomach, he hits the back wall and lays motionless on the tile floor.

I walk over to him and force him onto his back with the non-broken side of the bat. Blood trickles from the corner of his mouth. I press my fingers to his neck, he is still alive.

I touch the back of my head, blood runs down my fingers from my fingertips. I groan and head out of the bathroom making sire it's locked. Wouldn't want someone to walk in and see that.

"Hey Taylor." I say walking into the back after grabbing a towel and pressing it to the wound on my head..

"Where have you been?" Taylor, my manager, asks. "Last time someone saw you had gone to the bathroom."

"Yeah, Luke attacked me while I was in there." I sit in the other chair closing my eyes from the pain.

I hear the chair Taylor squeak, "You need to go to the hospital."

"Well then so does Luke...." I open my eyes looking up at my manager who is now standing in front of me. "He's unconscious in the men's bathroom."

"Ashton!" He gasps and quickly closes his office door.

"Don't worry I locked it!" I respond.

He sighs, "Alright, I'll drive you and Luke to the hospital."

I just nod. I don't really feel like arguing with Taylor right now, plus I'm losing blood just sitting here. I stand up and follow Taylor towards the bathroom. He unlocks it, Luke still lays there motionless. I lift him over my shoulder and exit the building from the back. Taylor's car unlocks letting me put the stupid boy on my shoulder in the back seat.

Damn Luke. He stops at nothing to try and kill me. Luke works for people who like to kill mutants, kind of like a mutant bounty hunter. Normally I can anticipate when he is going to attack, but this time since we were in rush I couldn't hear his footsteps.

"Well at least he can't try to kill me at a hospital." I laugh lightly to Taylor as he gets in the driver's side of the car. I get and place the towel against my head again.

I guess I could say my life is complicated. At Least the part that includes Luke.

First I have the fact that my family has a burning hatred for my kind, especially for the only mutant in my entire family. My parents used to call us a 'pure' family line since there were no mutants. Well that's until they found out about me. I knew from the moment the school told them about my breaking of the fastest mile record, they knew something wasn't right. I kept it secret. I actually didn't know I was different until my strength kicked in. If it wasn't for my abilities, my little sister would be dead. They didn't even let me see her in the hospital.

They called me a disgrace.

They disowned me, that's why I came here to America. I wasn't welcome in my own home, and I didn't want to stay where I wasn't welcome. My siblings begged my parents to let me stay, but they didn't realize I was never going to stay anyway.

It's sad when your whole family says you aren't related to them. The new traveled fast, eventually relatives I hadn't spoke to since I was five knew about me.

So here I am, no family, barely any friends. A bounty hunter trying to kill me left and right.

Yeah my life is complicated.

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