1: guardian devil

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{AN: So, it'd been like, what? a few years since I wrote this book? Yeah, I know how bad it is lol. I rewrote this entire chapter to see how it compares with the original and lets just say, younger me would be absolutely shook. Anyway, I've only rewritten chapter one and it took me like an hour to write this up, but if I get any requests I can try to do the rest of the book. We'll see. Now, enough rambling, enjoy!}

"You look stupid!" Harry ignored the gruff voice as he jogged downstairs to grab a breakfast bar. He narrowly avoided a the glass that flew past his head and shattered against the wall. He hardly spared it a glance before returning to his room and shutting the door. He let out a small breath and set to work on hiding the curls that he knew Alan hated.

A few minutes later he shouldered his school bag and quietly made his way to the front door. One peak over the coach revealed that Alan was passed out with beer staining the front of his shirt. Harry paused before grabbing a blanket from the back of the couch and tossing it over his caretaker.

Alan wasn't exactly what you'd call a gold star parent but he was all Harry had. When Harry was twelve Alan had found him alone on the streets. He'd said that Harry's family abandoned him. When asked why Alan just said it was because he was gay. After that he wasn't allowed to ask anymore questions, not that Harry minded.

Harry suffered from long term memory loss. One day he woke up and Alan was all he had. He didn't remember his childhood at all, which was fine with him, especially if they were bad memories.

Downside was that Alan was weird. He forced Harry into god awful cloths, made him gel back his hair, made him wear glasses he didn't need. Every time Harry looked in the mirror he found himself comparing his reflection to an old couch you see on the side of the road.


When Harry arrived at school he almost immediately ran into someone. He cursed his clumsiness that always seemed to get him into awkward situations, like last year when he'd fallen and grabbed the nearest thing to him. That had just so happened to be Betty Kaepernick's t-shirt. That memory was one he wishes he could forget.

He looked up at the guy he bumped into and his breath hitched. The boy had black hair and dark brown eyes. His expression was surprised but unexpectedly kind. Despite Harry being a head taller than him, he shrunk down as if to hide from any oncoming blows.

"You alright, mate?" The guy chuckled and his ears turned a rosy pink. Harry sent him a quick nod to which the guy grinned and reached out to pat Harry on the shoulder. When the taller recoiled the boy snatched his hand away and settled for an awkward tilt of his head before heading down the hall. Harry watched him go for a moment before turning and heading to gym class.

It was always the same. Harry's class would decide on a game of football and Harry would be completely left out. They'd skim over him like he wasn't even there then they'd start the game without him even being considered. He usually just sat and waited for the class to be over but he had some pent up energy to get rid of.

He wandered over to the coach and tapped him on the shoulder. The man was big and burly with a big mustache and the stereotypical coaches outfit, shorts, t-shirt, and a whistle hanging around his neck. He turned and smiled at Harry sympathetically. No matter how mean the man looked he was always very kind and fair. Harry only shrugged and gestured to the bag of footballs abandoned by the bench.

"Sure, knock yourself out kid." The coach went back to supervising the game and Harry grabbed a football. He checked it for flatness and when he was satisfied he tucked it under his arm and made his way over to the empty field.

Echo (Larry Stylinson)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora