10: Loving Reunion

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Louis was sat beside Harry with a small frown on his face. He was looking down at his phone and saw his mum had texted him. She had come by a few times and her and Anne had greeted each other as old friends. Apparently they used to live near each other when Louis was small.

The room was quiet and Louis would come in and sit almost every day after school. Everyone knew about Harry and they always sent the boys curious or sad looks when they walked down the hall. Everyone knew that they were a close group and it was heartbreaking knowing that Harry was in a coma.

He was due to wake up at any time. The doctors said that he was recovering very fast and it was extraordinary. That made the boys and his parents very happy because they knew now for a fact Harry would be okay.

"Louis?" A voice asked from the door and Louis looked up. The boys were stood by the door with small smiles on their faces. Niall walked over and gave Louis a pack containing three cookies. Louis smiled gratefully and started to eat as he watched Harry.

He glanced over at the flowers and teddybears Louis sisters insisted on bringing for Harry and Louis smiled. No matter what he said he loved his sisters with all his heart and wouldn't trade them for the universe.

The boys were working on their homework and trading answers when there was a small whine. Their heads shot up only to see Harry reaching for Louis water bottle which lay half empty on the bedside table.

Louis shot out of his seat and walked over to Harry with his water. He pressed a button on the side of the bed that called for a nurse. He gave Harry his water and he drank it happily till it was all gone. He sighed just as the doctor walked into the room.

"Your awake!" He said a tone of excitement in his voice. He walked over to Harry and began to check his temperature and heart. When he pulled back his grin widened. "He's doing great but we have to take him for testing and the boys nodded. 

"Hi Harry." Louis said in a small voice and Harry's eyes lit up as he lifted his hand. It was fairly stiff because he hadn't used it in so long but he'd gotten his point across. Louis grabbed his hand and Harry immediately relaxed back into the bed. He had this face of pure happiness and it made everyone's heart swell.

Louis grabbed the bear Phoebe had brought and placed it on Harry's chest. He smiled and brought his other arm up to hug the teddy bear close. It was honestly the most adorable sight.

A few minutes later the door opened and three people entered the room. All three of them were crying but it wasn't of sadness. Oh no, quite the opposite actually.

Louis stepped back as Gemma walked up and placed her hand in her brothers for the first time in about six years. "Hello Harry." She whispered and Harry smiled up at her with wide eyes. "You do have your fathers eyes." Anne said as she stood on the other side of him.

The boys had left the room to give the reunited family a bit of privacy. Anne couldn't be more thankful because she needed a moment with her son. Harry seemed to fill with a sense of euphoria as he stared at his family. He'd missed them so much. 

"I-I'm sorry." He said. His voice was week and scratchy as if he'd just woken up from a deep sleep but he was understandable. "You shouldn't be sorry." Anne whispered and Harry shook his head slowly so he didn't get dizzy.

"I-I forg-got you." He chocked out and Gemma burst into tears. She wrapped her arms around her brothers neck and he slowly hugged her back, careful to not hurt himself. He was on a lot of medicine to prevent just that though.

"It wasn't your fault. It was never your fault." Des said as he smiled sadly at his son. At that moment Harry began to cry into his sisters shoulder. He was just so happy to be back with people who actually loved and cared for him.

"H-Have t-they caught hi-im?" Harry asked when he pulled away. "No not yet honey but they will. I'm sure of it." Anne said, knowing almost immediately what Harry was trying to ask.

"I wanna go home." Harry said in a small voice and another tear slipped from Anne's eye. She smiled and grabbed her sons hand. She looked at the teddybear that still lay on Harry's chest and a small smirk formed on her lips.

"So you and Louis." She said in a suggestive tone and Harry groaned jokingly. "Oh cmon I doubt your feelings for each other have changed." She giggled and Harry blushed. "I knew it." She sang and Harry smiled.

He missed his mum so much.


Louis was stood outside Harry's hospital room with the rest of the boys. It was the day Harry was gonna go home and they were coming to get him and take him to his parents hotel.

"How are we gonna tell him?" Niall asked with a grin and Louis shrugged. "I guess we just surprise him with it that sounds like the-" He stopped abruptly when he heard something coming from Harry's room. Singing. It was beautiful. "Is that Harry?" Zayn asked and Louis hesitantly nodded. "I think so." He whispered.

"Look at all the hate they keep on showing
I don't want to see that
Look at all the stones they keep on throwing
I don't want to feel that
Like sun that will keep on burning
I used to be so discerning, oh"

The boys had fallen dead silent as their eyes widened. Harry had an amazing voice. He'd never actually sang for anyone before because he said that he was to nervous. He honestly had nothing to be worried about, Louis thought, his voice was gorgeous.

"In my recovery
I'm a soldier at war
I have broken down walls
I defined
I designed
My recovery
In the sound of the sea
In the oceans of me
I defined
I designed
My recovery"

Louis slowly opened the door and peaked inside to see Harry singing to the stuffed bear that was placed in his lap.

Harry was wearing a light grey sweater and black sweats. He had a grey beanie covering his curls and white converse on his feet. Even though he wasn't dressed up Louis thought he looked like an angel.

"Hi guys." He said when he looked up and saw the boys stood at the door. His voice was back to normal and he seemed to be doing much better. He could walk and move around but carefully so he didn't disturb his wound.

"How you doing Harry?" Liam asked and Harry smiled. "Okay." "We're going with you to your home town!" Niall yelled and Harry's eyes lit up. Everyone looked at him annoyed. "Way to ruins the surprise Niall." Growled Zayn but Harry took no notice. He was too happy.

"Really?" He asked with wide eyes and the boys nodded. "Yeah. It was Louis idea." Zayn said with a small smirk and Loui blushed. A second later Harry had him wrapped in a gentle hug. "Thank you. For everything." He whispered and yeah, Louis had never been happier.


(A/N): Next chapter is the last chapter before the epilogue! I'm like excited but sad because I love this book so much. 

P.s. The song Harry was singing is called Recovery by James Arthur. It's really good and you should listen to it! :)


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