11: Going Home

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Harry felt drops of water hit his face and slowly roll down his cheeks. A shiver traveled through his body even though he wore a hoodie and sweatpants. His wide eyes seemed to travel over every crack of the old house that was in front of him.

Harry hated the place with all his heart and was ecstatic when he found out the place would be torn down. The place was filled with to many bad memories and he felt as if he was being shot in the chest every time he saw it.

The place was big, around two floors, and ugly. It was painted brown and the paint was slightly peeling. The windows were yellow and covered in dirt considering they hadn't been washed in years. At one time the house may have been beautiful but now it was old and run down.

The grass around the house was brown and dead. There was a garden by the porch but it had long been dead. The flowers that had used to live in it were wilted and dead as weeds took over most of the dirt. Some of the grass was even talk enough to reach Harry's knees.

Harry felt a light tap on his shoulder and turned to look down at his smiling boyfriend. "You ready?" He asked softly and Harry nodded. They were getting ready to go to Harry's home town and they had stopped by to get on last glimpse of where Harry used to live.

Honestly the only thing Harry would miss is the woods behind the house. That's were Harry had grown up. Where he found the most comfort. It was like his home.

Harry looked over his shoulder at Gemma who was leaning against the car chatting animatedly with Niall. Zayn was asleep on Liam's lap in the back of the car.

Harry smiled softly then looked back at Louis. He'd found a new home. That home was with his family and friends. The people who loved him and who he lived in return.

He bid a small farewell to the woods and watched as the trees waved back at him. He sighs sadly and smiled.

He could almost hear himself laughing and crying in those woods. The sound echoed through the trees along with the small whistle the leaves made as the moved against each other and the song of the birds as they chirped happily to each other. The sounds mixed into its own beautiful song that warmed Harry every time he heard it.

"We should go Harry." He heard his sister say in a small voice. She smiled at Harry and he smiled back before climbing into the car. as they drove to the soft tapping of rain drops against the glass and it was calm.


As they walked towards the bakery Harry grew nervous. The rain had stopped and a rainbow was visible in the distance. The streets were mostly empty except for the occasional person walking by and greeting the group as they walked past.

When they got to the bakery Anne pulled out her keys and opened the door. Everyone walked inside and the smell of bread and cakes immediately filled their senses.

Harry looked around at the small place that he had forgotten. He loved it. It was cozy and warm and it filled him with so much joy that it over whelmed.

If Harry broke down crying that day nobody needs to know.


"These are really good." Niall moaned through a mouthful of cinnamon bun. "Don't talk and eat darling." Anne said and Niall blushed. "Thank you it's a family recipe." She smiled and he grinned wider.

Harry was eating some as well the taste brought even more memories to his mind. "Mum used to make us these every day after school. We'd sit down at the counter and do our homework while she worked and she always have us cinnamon buns." He grinned and Anne smiled softly at her son.

She'd made cinnamon buns for jut that reason. She hoped Harry would remember how she always made on for him and Gemma after school.

As she walked over to the kitchen she could almost see her kids say at the counter, eating cinnamon buns, and complaining about how awful their teachers were.

That reminded Anne that people would be happy to know Harry was back. When Harry had gone missing the news spread through the town like wildfire. Everyone had come by to comfort Anne and tell her that they had friends out of the country and town who would keep an eye out for her boy.

She was so grateful that her baby, her only boy, was back safe. After she'd found out he'd been in the hospital she cried for hours.

She turned and saw that Louis and Harry were whispering to each other and giggling. At that moment she knew that her baby boy would be okay.

Everything would be okay.


(A/N): I know that was short but after this is the epilogue! Then the book will be finished. I just hope I do this book justice with the ending and that you guys like it.

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