9: Quiet is Violent

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Zayn was trying to console a sobbing Gemma as she rocked back and forth. She had come so close to finding her brother then he goes missing. She was devastated. Her parents were even worse. They were staying in a hotel and wouldn't rest until they found their son.

"I'm so sorry Gemma." Zayn whispered into her ear and Liam had tears in his eyes as he sat on the other side of her. Louis was curled up in an arm chair, fast asleep. He hadn't slept since they'd found out Harry had disappeared. He disappeared three days ago.

Even Niall couldn't lighten the mood. He was sat on the floor twisting the carpet beneath his fingers. He felt so lost because he'd never lost a friend like this before. The room was in total silence except for Gemma's sobs.

Louis wasn't sleeping. He was wide awake. He couldn't sleep because he kept imagining Harry lying dead in the woods. The thought haunted every time he closed his eyes.

Most people would be regretting the fact that they fell in love with Harry in the first place but Louis could never feel like that. Louis was smart enough to admit it to himself. He was in love with Harry. The way he talked, the way he talked, the way his eyes sparkled when he looked at Louis.

To think that all of that could be gone in seconds and the person that held so much happiness and love was killed without a single thought was intolerable.

Louis had this feeling, this hope, that Harry wasn't dead. That he was alive. In pain, but alive. Louis hoped that Harry would be okay. Everything in him hoped Harry would be okay.

A phone rang causing everyone in the room to jump and look at where the sound had come from.

Gemma reached a shaking hand into her pocket to retrieve her phone. She tapped something then held it to her ear. Slowly her eyes widened and her breathing quickened only slightly.

"We'll be right there." She said in a rush than hung up. "That was the hospital. They have Harry." She said and that was all it took for everyone to get moving and get into the car.

Gemma instantly called her parents and told them to meet her at the hospital. It was silent but the buzz in the air made the environment slightly brighter. The hospital had Harry. He was okay.

When they arrived at the hospital they went up to the front desk and told the nurse Harry's name. She smiled warmly and gave them the room number.

They went to the elevator and up three floors before getting out and finding Harry's room. Gemma pushed the door open and rushed to her brothers side. His eyes were closed and only his chest was moving. They could even hear the steady beeping coming from the heart monitor. It was strangely soothing. 

The door opened and a doctor stepped in. He was tall with long black hair and wide green eyes. His glasses were perched on his nose and he had a very warm smiled on his lips. He held a hand out and Gemma immediately shook it.

"Hello, I'm Dr. Albus and I'm here to talk to Harry's family." He said in a warm voice. He gave off a very calm and inviting aura which was very comforting.

The door opened again and two people walked in. A man and a woman which everyone instantly knew were Harry's parents. The woman's red rimmed eyes signified that she had been crying and the mans small smile showed he was happy that his son wasn't gone forever.

"Okay well since you're all here I want to talk about Harry's condition. So he has been shot and while it has missed any major arteries his body decided that it needed time to heal itself. I promise you as long as he's here he'll be okay." The doctor explained and Harry's mum burst into tears.

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