2: New kid

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Louis sighed as his mum pulled up to the all new school. He felt butterflies erupt in his stomach from the nerves taking over his body.

He smiled and gave his mum a kiss before grabbing his bag and climbing out the car then walking into the school.

He looked down at his schedule and sighed when he saw he had gym first. He smiled slightly and went to his locker to put the things he didn't need into it.

When he got to the field he bumped into someone. He smiled up at the guy who smiled back.

"Sorry mate. I'm Louis." Louis apologized and the other guy just smiled warmly and took Louis hand in his. "Zayn." He said then another guy appeared at his side. He was buff with brown hair and kind brown eyes.

"This is my boyfriend Liam." Zayn introduced and Louis smiled. He shook the other guys hand and they went onto the field to together.

The coach said they would just have a free day. Kids rushed over to the big field and began to break themselves into teams. Five of them stayed behind and just lingered around the bleachers.

The five boys were Louis, Liam, Zayn, a blonde boy, and a boy with brown hair.

The blonde boy walked over and smiled at Louis. Louis smiled back and the other pulled Louis into a hug. Liam chuckled along with Zayn behind them.

"Sorry mate I'm a hugger." The boy said and Louis noticed that half his hair was brown but it suited the boys wide blue eyes.

"I'm Niall." He giggled In an Irish accent. Louis smiled and introduced himself as well.

Louis glanced over at the smaller field to see the brown haired boy sat on the grass. He seemed to be watching the others play football. He didn't seem to mind being alone and he just picked at the grass beneath him.

"Who's that?" Louis asked and the others looked in the direction Louis was looking. Zayn frowned slightly and ran a hand through his hair.

"That's Harry Miller. He doesn't say much. I think he might be a bit shy. Doesn't even talk to the teachers. People tease him a lot about his clothes and glasses. I bumped into him yesterday and he seemed nice enough I guess." Zayn said.

"I'm gonna go talk to him." Louis said and began to walk over. The others followed behind him hesitantly. He sat down on the grass beside Harry and the others seemed to follow him.

Harry looked up in confusion but when his eyes caught Louis' a blush tinted his cheeks. Louis only grinned and crossed his legs. He slightly expected Harry to et up and run away but the boy stayed planted firmly in his spot. The confusion didn't seem to leave his face though.

"Hi, I'm Louis! Nice to meet you!" Louis said excitedly to Harry. This boy looked around at the others for a moment and he tilted his head slightly.

"You talking to me?" He asked and the others were surprised that he had actually said something. His voice was much deeper and slowly we than any of them had anticipated.

"'Course I'm talking to you silly!" Louis giggled and the blush on Harry's cheeks deepened. Slowly though Harry smiled and the others were surprised to see dimples dent his cheeks.

"Oh. Hi." He said excitedly then looks at the others. "Hi." He says again and the others smile at him. Harry looks back at Louis and tilts his head again. Louis would be lying if he said it wasn't cute.

"Are you new here?" Harry asked and Louis nodded. Harry smiled and held his strangely large hand out. Louis took it and watched as it practically swallowed his own.

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