Epilogue: Echo

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"Babe where did you put the beers?" Harry called from the kitchen. Louis rolled his eyes and went to see what his husband was doing.

"They're in the fridge where they always are you dork." Harry said as he opened the fridge and showed Harry that the beers were inside. "Oh." He chuckled and Louis rolled his eyes. "Gosh." He said jokingly.

Harry wrapped his arms around the smaller boys stomach and sighed. "I love you." He said and Louis smiled and he turned and rested his head on Harry's chest. "I love you too." He giggled.

A loud bark interrupted them and Harry's eyes lit up. "They're here!" He said and rushed to the door to let their friends in.

Louis grabbed the beer from the fridge along with a few boxes of Apple juice and made his way to the living room where his friends were. Snowball trotted in behind him. Snowball also had four pups trying their best to keep up but it was hard because they were so small.

"Hey Louis." They chorused when he walked into the room. "Hi uncle Louis." Three smaller voices squeaked.

One of them was a little girl with long black hair and wide brown eyes. She looked a lot like Zayn but she had Liam's eyes and lips. She was four. Her name was Alice.

The second one was a boy with light brown hair and grown eyes as well. He was around three and he looked a bit more like Liam but he had Zayn's lips and eye shape. His name was James.

The last was a boy with long brown hair and milky white skin. He had wide green eyes and a large smile on his lips. He looked a lot like Niall who had found a guy named Josh and they got married a year before they had their son, Sean who was no older than two.

Louis gave the kids apple juice and they squealed loudly. They started to play with the puppies who tapped happily. Louis smiled and sat down on Harry's lap causing Harry to grin and kiss his cheek softly. Snowball walked over and sat at the boys feet. Louis reached down and scratched behind his ears. Louis giggled as he looked up and around at their friends.

"I can't believe we all turned out gay." He said out of nowhere and Niall burst out laughing. Sean started laughing too just because he wanted to do everything his dad did. His laugh was just like Niall's and Louis didn't know how he was gonna deal with that.

"Gaysquad." Zayn chuckled and Louis rolled his eyes. "How're things at the bakery?" Liam asked and Harry shrugged. "Good. I wish dad could see it now. He really would have liked to." He sighed sadly.

Harry's father had passed away about a year ago. He had fallen ill and since he was older the doctors weren't able to cure him and he passed.

Anne lived with Gemma and she regularly came into the bakery. Harry and Louis went to visit her every day and she honestly looked almost as she did when she had first met Louis. The only difference was she many more grey hairs. She still looked as beautiful as ever though.

"I can't believe you own a gym." Louis scoffed at Liam who rolled his eyes. "I like it. Shut up." He said and Alice looked up with wide brown eyes. "Shut up! Shut up!" She began to squeal and Liam face palmed.

Soon all the kids were yelling shut up along with the puppies who were yapping loudly. That was until Harry stood up and put on Home. The kids were immediately entranced by the tv and didn't make another sound. Even the puppies had calmed down and fell asleep on the kids laps. It was quiet and the adults were just enjoying the silence for a moment.

"Niall how is the writing coming along?" Louis asked and Niall grinned. Surprisingly Niall had gotten into book writing and that was his job. Josh worked for a bank.

"It's doing great if I do say so myself." He grinned and the other smiled. Leave it to Niall to make everything happier.

Suddenly a piercing cry erupted all over the house only to be followed by a second one. Louis sighed and he and Harry got up and went back to the babies room. Snowball stood up as well and followed.

"You get Dean I'll get Jonah." Louis said to Harry as he picked up one of their sons. Harry sighed and picked up the other who was identical to his brother. They were both only five months old.

Harry remembers when Louis gave birth to them and it was the best moment of his life. Dean was the first born then three minutes later Jonah came. They both had wide blue-green eyes and they already had heads full of brown curly hair. They had Louis nose and Harry's lips. They were absolutely gorgeous.

Harry and Louis tried together them to go back to sleep but it was proving to be very difficult. The babies wouldn't stop crying. Harry pulled two bottles from the baby bag beside their crib and handed one to Louis.

Slowly the babies went quiet as they drank their milk. Harry and Louis smiled at each other as they held their worlds in their arms. The loved each other and their children with their soul.

When the babies were done with the milk they were burped but after they started to cry again. Harry thought of what he could do for a moment then idea dinged in his mind.

"Hush little babies don't say a word daddies gonna buy you a mocking bird." Harry sang in a soothing voice. The babies began to calm down and their eyes began to droop. Louis moved so he was stood next to Harry in front of the crib.

"Hush little babies don't you cry cause daddy loves you and so do I." He sang in a soft voice and both the babies had fallen back to sleep. They slowly placed their children into their crib which they shared because they hated to be separated.

They stepped back and watched as their boys snored softly and smiled in their sleep. Harry pulled Louis into his arms as they watched them and he had a relaxed smile on his lips. Everything was perfect. The both reached down and gave Snowball a soothing pat on the head and he lay down protectively in front of the babies crib.

Ever since the boys had had the kids Snowball became extremely protective over them. He made sure the didn't get hurt and whenever one was in distress he'd try and sooth him until either Louis or Harry came in. He was just as protective over his pups which was extremely adorable. Harry smiled down at his best friend then looked back up at Louis.

"I love you." Louis whispered and Harry grinned. "I love you too." He whispered back and they kissed. It was short but passionate. They pulled back and looked once more at the babies.

As they listened to the babies snores echo off the walls and the two men held each other the future was on their minds. As they looked at the little family that had created for themselves the knew everything would be okay.

It would all be okay.

the end



Thank you for reading. When I say this I mean it straight from my heart.  Thank you for looking at my book and giving it a try. I hope you loved it! For the last time on this book I bid you farewell :)


Echo (Larry Stylinson)Where stories live. Discover now