6: Adventerous Adventures

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"Cmon Lou you're no fun." Daisy pouted as Louis tried to get her to go to bed. It was nearly nine and the girls needed to go to sleep considering that had school in the morning.

Harry smiled from his spot on the couch and crossed his arms. Louis kept casting him desperate glances but he only sat there on his ass and watched. It was funny to watch Louis get annoyed. Not to mention kinda hot.

"I'm sorry you have to go to bed." Louis said and the four girls went into a wave of complaints. "I have an idea." Harry said, taking pity on Louis and hopping to his feet. "Why don't we build a fort?" The taller boy asked and the girls squealed loudly.

"Thank you Haz." Louis sighed and Harry grinned at the nickname. "Don't thank me I've wanted to do this my whole life." He giggled and they began to move the two couches to opposite sides of the room.

"Okay!" Harry started and clapped his hands. "Louis go get some wire and your fairly lights. Daisy go get as many blankets as you can. Phoebe get as many pillows as you can. Lottie you will help Louis set up the wire. Fizzy you and I will be covering the fort. Everyone got that?" Harry asked and there was a chorus of 'yeah!'s before they all spread out.

When Louis came back with the wire Harry pointed out how it should go from one side of the room to the other multiple times. He nodded and him and Lottie started. Once they were finished Fizzy and Harry carefully laid the blankets Daisy brought in on top of the wire and pinned them together.

Once they were finished with the top layer they went inside and began to pin the fairy lights on the bottom of the blankets and through the wires.  When that was finished they moved to set out  pillows for each person and with the extra ones they piled them up for extra stability.

When they finished they stood back and looked at the fort. It looked like a masterpiece. It all seemed to blend and fit together so well. Louis went to turn on the tv which was across from the mouth of the fort.

He put on a movie and they all went inside the fort and laid down. Harry had never felt so happy in his life. Louis had moved so he was laying half way on Harry's chest and the girls all seemed to slowly fall asleep. Harry had never felt so at home.

He listened to Louis even breathing as he slept and watched as his lips parted slowly. He could see the way his lashes kissed his cheek and how his eyes moved behind his eyelids. He was dreaming. He looked so angelic as he laid there.

Harry fell asleep with a happy smile and the image of Louis permanently engraved in his brain.


"Thank goodness I'm fucking starving." Niall said as the boys walked into the cafeteria. They rolled there eyes as the Irish boys raced towards the line. They soon followed, grabbed their lunches, then sat down at an empty table.

They all got into conversation but Harry was busy staring at his book which was open under the table so nobody else could see it. There was something about it that made his heart skip beats.

He ran his hand over the ripped edges of pages that seemed to be ripped out. He wondered where they had gone. Maybe he'd thrown them away.

"Harry." someone said and he immediately snapped his journal shut. "Huh?" He asked and the others rolled their eyes. "When do you think Alan will be back?" Louis asked and Harry shrugged. "Depends. He usually stays for a whole week but sometimes he comes back after a few days." Harry told them as he put his journal in his bag.

"What's the journal?" Liam asked. Harry's face went red and he shook his head. "Nothing." He said and then he had an idea. "There's something I wanna show you guys after school." He said and the others raised their eyebrows but nodded anyways.


They were stood in front of Alan's house with raised eyebrows. "What are we doing here?" Zayn asked and Harry motioned for them to follow him. He came up to a high fence and began to climb. When he was on the other side the rest of the boys had come down except for Louis who was still sat on the top.

"I'll catch you." Harry reassured him. The small boy nodded and jumped, landing himself in Harry's arms. They smiled at each other for a moment then Harry sat him down. "Can you guys keep up?" Harry asked and the others nodded hesitantly. Harry smirked then began to back up. "Good." He said then took off running.

He strategically ducked under and jumped over tree roots and branches. He could hear the others laughing and struggling as they tried to keep up but it was hard considering Harry had practically grown up there.

Finally he stopped at his clearing and waited for the others. Slowly they appeared and Harry noticed they were all panting and leaning on their knees.

It was quiet for a moment then they all sat down. "I've been coming here since I was twelve." Harry said in a somewhat proud voice causing the others to grin. "This is a cool little spot. How'd you find it?" Liam asked and Harry smiled. "I was just walking and I found it." He shrugged. He didn't fully remember how he found the place. He just always remembered the place itself and the way to it was permanently stored in his mind.

"This was quite the adventure." "Adventurous adventures of one direction." Niall whispered and they all looked at him weirdly. "What?" Harry asked trying to hold back a laugh. "That's what I'm calling us. One direction."

At that they all burst into loud laughter.


I'm gonna be honest this was kinda a filler. I really wanted to have another chapter before i get into the really deep stuff. :)

P.s. I've decided this book will be eleven chapters then an epilogue!


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