5: Confesions and Rejections

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Harry was sat at the table with everyone and he felt a fuzzy feeling in his stomach. He'd never actually had a proper dinner. At least, none that he can remember. Alan was usually already asleep or gone when it came to dinner, so if Harry ate he ate alone in silence.

Harry looked around and smiled. Mr. and Mrs. Tomlinson had already gone off to work, leaving Harry and Louis to take the girls, and themselves, to school. Harry didn't mind. He liked to help out as much as he possibly could.

Louis rubbed his eyes and Harry have a small fond smile. "Why are you in your old clothes Haz?" Louis yawned and Harry blushed at the nickname.

He was, indeed, wearing his old grandpa clothes. He felt as if he were betraying Alan in a way by not staying at the house so he might as well keep wearing the clothes.

"Habit I guess." He lied and immediately felt guilty. Louis shrugged and stood up. He snatched the keys from the counter and beckoned for the others to follow.

First they dropped off the girls then they pulled up to their own school and parked in the lot reserved for students. They got out and made their way up to the building.

When they walked out onto the football field they immediately met up with Liam, Zayn, and Niall. The three boys smiled and motioned them over to the smaller field.

The others didn't notice that Zayn was practically glued to Harry's side. When Louis dos notice, however, his chest swelled with an unknown emotion and he kept casting small glares at the black haired boy who noticed and smirked.

"So Harry how has it been staying with Lou?" Liam asked and Harry shrugged. "It's bearable" he joked and Louis punched him in the arm. "I was joking." Harry chuckled and rolled his eyes. "It's been awesome." He said honestly and the others smiled.

As everyone went into conversation Harry felt as if something had hit him on the back of the head. He yelped and covered his face. His head began to pound and his vision became cloudy.


"Gemma I'm nervous." Harry muttered to his older sister as he sat with her on her bed. She smiled and wrapped an arm around his shoulder. "You've got nothing to worry about Haz." She chuckled and Harry nodded.

With the reassurance of his sister the two set off downstairs to find their parents watching tv. Harry felt his heart skip a beat as he second guessed himself.

What would they say? Would they hate him? Would they be okay with it and except him?

He felt something rub against his leg and looked down to see his husky puppy, Snowball, staring up at him excitedly. Harry smiled and gave the small dogs ears a small pat.

When Harry was ten he'd found the baby dog outside behind a dumpster hurt. The puppy had obviously been abused by another owner.

Harry had taken him home and while his parents protested thinking he couldn't handle a dog Harry bathed and fed him. He surprised his parents by nurturing the puppy back to health and giving him a name to match his pure white fur. Snowball.

Snowball yapped affectionately and Harry smiled. He absolutely loved Snowball with all his heart. The puppy was hard not to love.

"Mum. Dad?" Harry said, getting the attention of his parents who smiled warmly at their only son. He shuffled awkwardly and Gemma gave him a small smile.

"I'm gay." He blurted and it was silent for a moment. "We know." Anne giggled and Harry blushed deeply. That was definitely not what he was expecting. "How?" He asked breathlessly.

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