4: the tomlinsons

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Harry blushed as Louis led him inside his house. Harry didn't take long in gathering his clothes. His heart wouldn't stop pounding and he felt like he was almost betraying Alan somehow.

"Harry this is my mum and this is my dad." Louis said as he pointed to the two adults who were stood on the living room. Harry smiled at them and they returned it excitedly.

"Hi Harry Louis has told us so much about you!" The woman grinned as she walked over to Harry. The tall boy blushed as he was pulled into a hug. He rarely ever got hugs even though he was a cuddly person.

When she pulled away he smiled awkwardly and shook Louis' dad's hand. He smiled warmly and it immediately calmed his nerves. Harry liked Louis' parents. They were nice.

"Nice to meet you Mr. and Mrs. Tomlinson." Harry greeted politely and Jay seemed to squeal internally. "Oh honey call me Jay and my husband Robin." She said sweetly causing Harry to smile.

Suddenly there were four pairs of feet hurdling down the stairs. Harry jumped at the loudness of it and his eyes widened when four girls entered the room. They stared at Harry in confusion.

"Girls this is my friend Harry. He's staying here for a week." Louis explained and the older two seemed frozen in shock.

Harry felt a tug on his arm and looked down to see two twins. He smiled at them and they grinned. "Are you a giant?" One asked causing Harry to giggle and shake his head. He crouched down so he could talk to the better and they smiled.

"I like your hair." One said with sparkling eyes as she pulled one of Harry's curls in awe of how it seemed to just bounce back into place. "Thank you." Harry said. "I'm Daisy and this is Phoebe." One said and Harry smiled. "Nice to meet you girls." He said politely making the two giggle.

He stood back up and smiled warmly at the two older girls. "I'm Lottie." The oldest said and held out her hand. "I'm Fizzy." The other said and winked. Harry didn't notice though and smiled at her.

"Louis why don't you take Harry to the guest room and get him set up." Jay suggested and Louis sighed. He led Harry up the stairs and to his bedroom so he could put up his bag. It was a simple room with white walls covered in posters and the wall behind the bed was covered with a map and fairy lights.

"What's with the map?" Harry asked and Louis smiled at it fondly. "It's of places I'd like to go someday and the places I've already been." He ushered Harry over to the bed so they could see better.

"I've been to the places that have blue pins on them and the red pins are where I'd like to go." He explained and Harry's eyes scanned over the map. There were only blue pins. "There are a lot of red pins." Harry stated. "Yeah. I wanna travel the world some day." The smaller boy sighed.

Harry looked over at him and it was the most beautiful sight. The fairy lights cast a shadow over his deep blue eyes and over his lashes causing an angelic affect. His hair fell over his face in just the right way and he looked so deep in thought. He looked gorgeous.

Harry had a small fond smile on his lips but switched his gaze as soon as Louis looked over. Louis smiled then sat back on his bed.

"So Harry what's your obsession?" Louis asked playfully. The taller boy furrowed his eyebrows and tilted his head. "What do you mean?" He asked in confusion and Louis giggled.

"Well I showed you mine which is traveling. What would you love to do some day?" He elaborated and Harry nodded in slight understanding. He was a bit shy because what he wanted to do was a bit unrealistic. Louis only leaned forward and smiled encouragingly.

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