7: The Mess Of All Messes

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Quick Note: I have finished the book and I want to know if you think I should post the rest of it now. :P


"Do you by any chance have a dog?" Zayn asked and Gemma smiled slightly. They were sat in Zayn's apartment, where Gemma was staying while she visited. She'd called her parents and told them about Harry.

They cried on the phone together.

"Yeah. His names Snowball. He's Harry's dog. A lot of the time he just sits and stares at the door waiting for Harry to come home. I don't think he understands why Harry left. He sleeps on Harry's bed. That's the only place he will stay." she sighed sadly.

"You should bring him down here with your parents!" Zayn said and Gemma smiled. "That's a great idea. He'll be so excited. I think Harry will be a bit happy as well." She said with wide eyes. "It's a plan." Zayn said and they high-fived.


Harry hummed as he ran shampoo through his hair. It was Thursday and he'd have to go and check on the house to make sure Alan wasn't back. Maybe he'd even stop by the woods. It was, after all, his favorite place.

He heard a knock on the door and furrowed his eyebrows. He shut off the water and grabbed a towel after washing conditioner from his hair.

He wrapped the towel around his waist and shook out his hair. Before he opened the door he put on some underwear and a pear of grey sweats. He opened the door only to see all the boys stood outside. He smiled and let them in.

"You have tattoos?" Liam asked incredulously as he sat down on the bed. Harry only shrugged and grabbed an old blue t-shirt to dry his hair so there wasn't as much frizz.

"Yes I do." He told him shortly as he grabbed a grey t-shirt from his drawers and a pair of converse. He slipped on his socks them converse. He ran a hand through his hair and shook it slightly to aid in the forming of his curls.

The boys were busy staring at the tattoos on his chest which were accompanied with slight abs. They also noticed the burns going up his left arm causing them to cringe.

"When did you get tattoos?" Zayn asked as he messed with the strings on his backpack. Apparently he knew more about Harry's past then Harry knew and that was weird.

"When I was fourteen." He replied and slipped on the shirt along with a hoodie. It was always cold in school so Harry usually wore long sleeves. The other reason he wore long sleeves was he didn't like for people to see his burns.

"Isn't that illegal?" Zayn asked and Harry turned around and grabbed his school bag. "I don't know." He shrugged. He didn't know or care considering the tattoos were permanent and he liked them.

"Are you ready to go?" Liam asked and Harry nodded. His head was hurting and he needed to get out of the house. He could feel his chest constricting and he felt like he couldn't breath. Something was wrong but he decided to ignore it and followed the boys outside.

They decided to walk considering Mr. and Mrs. Tomlinson had work a bit later so they could take the girls. Harry kept scratching his burn marks and glancing back in the direction of Alan's house. He needed to go to the forest. He needed to breath. He had just been the other day but he needed to go.

He hadn't been there alone in a long time. Of course he'd been preoccupied by his new friends but he couldn't help the itch he had to fill his lungs with the fresh air.

During the school day the other boys seemed to notice the sudden mood change in Harry and they tried to lighten the mood but he seemed dazed. He opened his bag and pulled out his book just looking over it. He just wanted to touch it. Afterward he put it back in his bag and the others furrowed their eyebrows at the unusual behavior.


They were at the park and sat by the pond when it all went downhill.

Harry was sat on the ground and his headache was growing. His entire body felt like it was on fire. He wanted to puke. His eyes rolled to the back of his head and he collapsed. The others immediately rushed over and tried to wake him but images were already flashing behind his eyelids.


"What is your name?" Alan asked looking at a wide eyed Harry. He was only twelve at the time and extremely terrified of the man who'd taken him off the street.

"Why am I here?" Harry asked. Alan growled under his breath and advanced forward. His fist connected with the back of Harry's head and the boy collapsed.

When he woke up Alan was gone. The small boy immediately reached into his school bag that had been brought with him and began to scribble things into it.

He ripped out the pages and opened a secret pocket that was located in the journal and hid the pages inside. After, he hastily shoved the journal back into his bag and zipped it shut.

The door opened and Alan walked in once again. "What is your name?" He asked and Harry glared at him. "Why am I here?" He asked with a surge of confidence.

He was immediately hit on the back of the head and collapsed, once again, onto the bed. His body felt fuzzy and his mind seemed to reset.

When he woke up he looked around in slight fear. His body shook as he wondered where he was. His head hurt and he had no idea why.

The door opened and a man walked in. He looked tired but a calm smile was on his lips.

"What is your name?" He asked politely and Harry's eyes widened. "I-I don't know." He squeaked and Alan seemed to sigh in relief.

"Your name is Harry. I found you on a street corner. You said your parents left you because you were gay." He frowned and Harry's heart dropped. "I took you in. I'm Alan." He smiled warmly and Harry smiled back.

He thought this Alan guy was really nice and Harry felt very grateful.


Harry shot up gasping and trying to catch his breath. His mind was buzzing and everything just seemed wrong. Fear shot through him. Everything had just hit him
Like a train. It all made sense but at the same time it was all so confusing.

Harry felt eyes watching him and he immediately moved backwards. He slowly got to his feet. His movements reminded the boys of a caged animal. His eyes seemed to dart everywhere as though looking for an escape.

"Harry?" Louis said in a whisper and the boy ran off. The others were in shock for a moment before racing off after him. "Liam get the car." Louis called and Liam nodded.

Harry ran as far and as fast as he could. There was a bubble in his chest and his head has never hurt worse. The world around slowly descended into a green color and he realized his was in the woods. He ran as far as he could before he finally collapsed.

He did something he hadn't done in forever. He let all the tension leave his body. He screamed. He sounded something like a wounded animal. The scream was so pained and broken that he couldn't even think of it as his own.

It was all wrong so so so wrong.

Slowly he curled in on himself and sobbed. His head was between his knees and his shoulders were shaking. He completely broke down and shut off.

He felt arms wrap around him but he didn't dare move. He needed a hug. He needed to be held together. He didn't hug back as the boys each joined he hug. He just sat there and cried. How could he be so stupid?

It was all his fault.



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