Chapter 6

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     I got up out of bed and walked out of my room.
My mother was in the kitchen making breakfast: bacon, eggs, and toast.
  "HI, Mom. Need any help?"
My mom looked at me and smiled.
"Sure, Zoeybird, thanks. Could you pour two cups of milk or orange juice?"
At first I was confused. Only two cups? Then I remembered.
Joshuah was gone.
After we told our father about what happened, Josh stayed behind when I left.
I guess that their talk didn't go too well, because on my way back to tell them that dinner was ready, I overheard Josh and Dad shouting.
All of a sudden, I heard Dad screaming at Joshuah to calm down.
I ran toward them in time to catch Joshuah losing his cool.
I've only heard about werewolves losing their cool and changing, but I've never actually seen it.
It's even scarier to actually witness it in person than it sounds.
Josh was obviously over the edge.
His muscles were bulging, the veins on his forehead were outlined, and he didn't even seem to notice that he was involuntarily changing into his wolf form.
He seemed to have gone mad, and one would think that we was crazy when he lunged at Dad.
The two began rolling on the ground, locked in a vicious and bloody fight.

I was terrified.
     I had never seen Josh this way before. And the only time that I've seen my dad this way was when he was fighting off a rogue wolf or defending his territory.
What did this mean for Josh???

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