Chapter 8

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I stared wide-eyed and open-mouthed at the bloody t-shirt.
Could it really be his? Does this mean that he's dead? What happened to him? How did his shirt get all bloody like that?
All of a sudden, my skin felt burning hot.
"Zoey?" My father said my name in a kind of fearful and upset manner.
When he laid his hand reassuringly on my shoulder, I growled and jerked away from his touch.
"Zoey.." He growled softly and quietly.
"You need to calm down, now."
I glared up at him, snarling in anger.
What's happening? What the heck is going on? This isn't me!
All of a sudden, the answer came to me. My wolf was taking control, and I couldn't stop her.
I strained everything in me to try to take back control, at least for a second.
"Daddy," I was able to whisper.
"Help-its not me..."
Realization and fear flickered through my father's eyes.
He grabbed me by the shoulders and shove-guided me outside, all the while dodging my wolf's angry and dangerous bites.
He shoved me down face-first in the dirt and placed his foot firmly in the middle of my back to prevent me from either attacking him or running away.
As my wolf used my body to struggle to escape my father's restraining position, I tried as hard as I could to force my wolf, whose name is Owoduhi gv-nah-ge Waya (Beautiful Black Wolf), to go into submission and surrender control back to me. Unfortunately, it sounds a lot easier than it actually is.
Surprisingly, Owoduhi Gv-nah-ge Waya (Waya for short) seemed to give in, going still and ceasing to struggle. I was confused when I tried to get control back, because I was unable to take it back.
"Zoey?" My father asked.
Waya whined in response, tricking my father into thinking that it was me responding to him and not her.
Thinking that I was back to normal, my father lifted his foot off of me.
Waya took that chance and bolted, leaving my mother, father, and my brother's bloody shirt far behind in the distance.
Realizing his mistake, my father shouted after me, but got no sign that he was getting any response.
Unable to control my own body, I allowed Waya to go where she pleased.
Waya lifted her nose as she ran. The scent of deer wafted towards us.
A low hunting growl rumbled in my throat as Waya decided that it was time to stop for brunch.
Hiding my black fur behind tall greenery, Waya stealthily crept up on the delicious looking doe. Waya snarled and leapt out of our hiding spot, startling the deer and causing it to run.
Unfortunately for the doe, it had began running too late, and Waya leapt upon it's back, and began to rip it open alive. As Waya finished up, she decided to hide her catch, out of the sight of competition.

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