Chapter 9

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As soon as her stash was hidden safely, Waya started running again, but I could sense that fighting me from gaining control was draining her of her energy.
I was so busy trying to get back control that I didn't notice that we were lost until we came upon a dark clearing. (Picture at top of page)
Dozens upon dozens of new smells filled my nose.
Waya's energy was now almost completely gone, and all it took was one last push and I had control.
I stepped cautiously into the clearing. I was lost and afraid.
Waya's voice rang in my head.
What, Waya?
"I wanted to apologize...for taking control like that, attacking your father the way that I did, and for taking off like that."
I sighed, exasperated but happy that Waya and I were finally able to come to kind terms.
It's not ok, but I still forgive you. Just do not ever do that again. Do you understand?
"Yes. I understand, but I had as good a reason to do what I did as you would have had."
Oh, right... I thought to myself.
The pain of Joshuah's disappearance came back.
I shook my head, ignoring my feelings.
"No. I can't think about that right now. I need to find out how to get home."
As I began walking again, I was alarmed by twigs cracking.

Oh crap...what could have made those twigs crack? A hunter? A rogue? Maybe a family enemy?
As I plundered through all the worst possible things that could have cracked the twigs, a new scent reached my nose.
Terrified, I slowly backed away in the opposite direction from where the noise was coming from.
As I backed away, I kept my eyes locked on the space in front of me, the scent growing stronger by the second.
The scent was that of a rogue wolf.
What kind of rogue is the wolf? Is it big? Temperamental? Is it male or female? I'd rather it be female. I can fight it off easier if it was female.
As my mind babble went on, the rogue wolf appeared. It was a huge male wolf. From the ground to its shoulders, he was at least 3 feet tall. His coat was a monotone of gray, and he had a white face.

He chuckled, and his voice was deep and raspy.
As he closed the space between us, I could sense that he wasn't just looking for trouble: he was looking for entertainment, and not the stage kind.

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