Chapter 12

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     The birds sound nice today. I thought to myself.
     I rubbed my head against the soft pillow. A cold shiver ran down my spine, and I reached down, pulling the blanket up over my shoulders, the soft fabric tickling my cheeks and-
     I bolted upright, and found myself in a huge room. Like seriously, it looked like a ballroom with bedroom furniture. I mean, hello! Can you say rich people home? A large crystal chandelier hung from the roof. There was a giant mirror behind the oval bed that I was on. The floor was cherry wood, the doorways had beautiful decorations carved into them,and there were the old fashioned movie type candle holder things on the walls.

     I jumped out of the bed, waves of pain skittering up my left leg, to find myself in men's clothing!      My mind raced through yesterday's events, from losing control of Waya up to when I passed out

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     I jumped out of the bed, waves of pain skittering up my left leg, to find myself in men's clothing!
     My mind raced through yesterday's events, from losing control of Waya up to when I passed out.
     The brown wolf! He said "mine" and then he probably-
     Heavy footsteps came from the hallway.
I breathed in deeply, trying to catch the scent of whatever was coming towards me, and was more than a little surprised when I recognized the brown wolf's scent.
Going off a hunch, I raised the shirt I was wearing to my nose and sniffed it.
It was covered in the brown wolf's scent!
Oh God, I thought. What happened after I passed out!??
A man entered the room and oh my dear sweet Jesus he was the most gorgeous thing I'd ever laid eyes on. He looked like he was hand-carved by an angel.
He was tall, at least-at least!-six feet tall. His perfectly tanned skin was smooth and unmarred, and it complemented his emerald green eyes, which were both piercing and gentle at the same time. He had a progressing beard and mustache, which made him seem old and young at the same time. He looked as if working out was his hobby, and I yearned to run my fingers down his strong, muscled arms.
I tore my eyes from his stunningly beautiful body to meet his breathtaking gaze and when I did, it was if jolts of electricity passed through my body. Strong shivers of pleasure, desire, and the feeling that I had achieved something great rushed through my body.
Owoduhi Gv-nah-ge Waya's whining echoed in my head.
Waya? I mentally tried to get my wolf's attention, but I didn't get a response from her.
Waya! I mentally screamed at her.
The only response I received from her was more whining and her voice breathily whispering, "Mate."


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