The Wedding

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 Get ready yall this one is going to be good.

And its not sad, its happy but still make ya cry a lil bit cause I was sooooooooooooooo into my feels

yall can play the song when you want


The wedding was driving Laurent insane. All his sisters, plus the sister-n-laws and girlfriends, were driving Lau nuts, they wanted this type of wedding and then that type, they weren't taking any suggestions from him of what Larry and himself would like. They just wanted to get married, now he wished he wouldn't have opened his big mouth of saying that a traditional type wedding would be fun, he should have went with Larry up to the courthouse, married and got it over with. They decided on Saturday, October 25th to get married. They have filed for the married license, found out their friend Niqqua can officiate over the ceremony, so everything was falling in place if Lau could just get his sisters to listen to him. Larry and LAurent both decided right away that they were writing their own vows, they had been dreaming of this for so long. They wanted it to mean something more to them, than to just recite off the tradition vows. Larry walked into the family room and smiled, he could see how frustrated Lau was becoming, he was hoping that the added stress that his sisters were putting on him, wasn't going to cause Laurent to have a seizure. Lau looked up at Larry, threw his hands up in the air, gave up and walked out of the room. Larry followed him. "Babe, just tell them, you don't want help." "And piss Allison off, along with the others. Hell, just be glad they don't have one of us in a fucking dress." Larry pulled Laurent into a hug. "I love you Lau, calm down we don't need you getting too worked up about this. Let me talk to them, let me see if I can get through to them, on what we want." "Have at it, I'm going for a walk." Laurent kissed Larry and walked out of the house. Larry walked back into the family room and sat down; he watched them all bicker for a bit and then he spoke up. "Can I please interject?" Larry waited a minute until he had all their attention. "Have you even listened to Laurent?"

"Larry, we have, but we want to make this special for the two of you." Allison spoke for the group. "Allison, even if we stood in front of a doll and expressed our love to one another, knowing we are getting married is more than special enough. Please simplify it, we love everything that you all are doing, but it doesn't need to be that elaborate. Also, I'm worried about Laurent, I hope he isn't stressing too bad about this." "Sorry Larry, I know you two want it simple, I promise we will try, but..." "Please Allison, simplify it and don't stress Lau out, I don't want him having a seizure." Larry looked at them again. "I'm going to go look for Lau, and take him to lunch. Then please can you listen to what we want." "We will try." Allison responded. Larry left the house, he drove up and down the streets until he found Laurent and asked him to get in the car. When Lau settled in the seat beside Larry, Larry reached for Laurent's hand bringing it to his mouth and kissing it. "I love you, Lau. I'm sorry that I have left you with dealing with the women, I should have helped a little more than just today." "I love you too, but they're going to be the death of me. You won't have anyone to marry, if they push me just a little further." Lau smiled at Larry. "Who am I kidding, I would drag myself up the aisle, just to marry you." Larry just smiled and squeezed Lau's hand as he headed towards the diner. "I thought we could have some lunch alone before I headed into work." "Thank you, for keeping me out of the bitchfest for a bit longer." Laurent leaned over and kissed Larry before they both exited the car. ******* With lunch finished, Larry showered and dressed for work. Laurent had been staying

away from the family room but when Larry walked out the door, he knew he couldn't keep avoiding everyone, so he walked back in and sat down. "Laurent, we are sorry." Allison spoke again for the group. "We haven't been listening to what you and Larry want, and we are sorry for it. Please tell us now, and we will work on what you want for now on." Laurent smiled and proceeded to tell them what they would prefer. Larry and he had laid in bed almost every night discussing how they would love their wedding to go. ******* The bachelor parties were coming up, and the women and men had chosen who they wanted to take out, of course all the brothers wanted to take Laurent and that left Larry with the women. The night before the wedding, the women picked Larry up. "Larry, I know you probably would prefer to be out with the guys and Laurent, but you get us." Allison explained. "You know that you are not allowed to see the person that you are marrying the night before the wedding." "It is ok, Allison. Laurent has spent enough time with you all over the last three weeks. I think he deserves a good drinking night, but I hope that he is sober for the wedding." Larry laughed, but he did really worry about that. "So where are you taking me?" "It is a secret." Bridget responded. "And when we get close, we are blindfolding you." "Please, do you have to do that?" Everyone in the van responded in a very loud. "YES!" They started driving towards DC, and when they crossed over, they blindfolded Larry. He just shook his head and hoped that Laurent was having a wonderful time. He knew they would not allow him to return to the house tonight, that he would be

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