Awkward Timing

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A/N ..... I felt like this song just added the extra awkwardness to this oneshot

Larry flipped through his book, giggling at a joke only he would get. He was in his room away from the family because if they saw him reading they would make fun of him.

Larry left to go to his room ten mins ago to go read. I don't know why he doesn't like to spend time with the family let alone Me, I just hope I didn't upset him. So after my sister Sophie finished her story I excused myself and went to Larry's room and knocked on his door. He called out to me and told me to leave him alone he didn't want to talk he was busy. Feeling defeated I retreated to my room and played on the bed and cried. Letting out my emotions, I asked myself what I could have possibly done to make Larry feel as if he wasn't wanted. So I got of my bed and went into the bathroom and took it my knife and started cutting new cuts on my stomach because I hurt Larry in some way. after cleaning my new cuts and bandaging them I went back to Larry's door and knocked again.

I heard someone knock on my door, it was Laurent. "Yes bro, what you want?" I asked irritated.

Are you OK? Do you want to play some video games in my room with me, just us. I asked him desperation in my voice.

Larry smiled, "Yes of course I do bro, don't be afraid to ask."

"yay letgo then sexy!!!!!!!" ah shit hope he didn't hear that

Larry furrowed his eyebrows, following Laurent to his room. "Can we play street fighter?"

Yes anything you want I'll do anything for you.

Larry smiled to himself. Only his dirty mind would take it in such a way. "Ight, then let's play." Larry sat next to his brother, after setting the game up.

we played street fighter for what seemed like hours and I was getting very sleepy and kinda horny. But first im gonna get a banana split sundae. I'm super hungry. Just let me Ask Larry if he wants one. Hey Larry Bébé do you want a banana split? did I just call him Bébé what's wrong with me? anyway time for some ice cream fun yum!!!

Larry smiled, "Yeah, I want some."

Oki I be back. I left out my room and headed towards the kitchen

Larry paused the game. "Bébé?" He said to himself... Shrugging, he waited patiently for his twin to come back.

I hadn't planned on getting so distracted while making the banana splits but, is all the different sizes of watermelons that our mom had bought and instantly I thought of Larry sucking my cock long and hard. So I took one of the medium size to large watermelons and cut a hole into it a very deep hole. And I pretended that that hole was Larry's mouth, and I just jammed my dick into that hole and ice cream, and Cool Whip down the hole to make it look like it was come on my dick I got so lost in to the sensation that I didn't hear Larry call my name asking me what was taking so long, from my room. I lied and said that the banana splits dropped because I slipped on a piece of ice so I'm cleaning up the mess.

Larry got up, it's been at least 30 minutes, so maybe he should help his twin. "Lau?" Larry stopped at what looked like Laurent fucking a fruit. WTF am I looking at right now this is so fucking weird and disgusting, but I'm slightly turned on right now I say in my head as I walk next to Lau.

I honestly didn't hear Larry call my name until he was standing right next me and I saw him look at me with so much disdain, hate, confusion and a glimpse of lust. But then I ended up laughing nervously and asking questions like hey Larry how are you? What ru doing here? and my favorite You want some watermelon? Y did I say that I started crying embarrassed at what Larry saw so I ran to my room locking the door and then hid in my closet locking my self in there also crying hysterically. what's wrong with me I asked my self. with all my emotions coming out I forgot to grab the key above my door so that Larry cant come in and make fun of me. I just hope he wont tell mamma. Then she'll kick me out for sure Im only 14, what will I do? I just don't know anymore I cried, then fell asleep in my closet..!

Ohhhh Yesssss It's Les Twins oneshots!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora