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Here you are my beautiful people a wonderful update for my awaiting  Lovelies!

I'm so sorry this took so long it would have been up yesterday but my grandma fell and hit her head last night and my mom, and sister took her to the hospital and I had to take care of my nephew. But she is doing a little bit better.

Also I would like to say that this Role Play collaboration was thought out by myself and JoseeFarmer


Me and Larry have the day off today and right now I'm just sitting in my room playing Fifa. and watching my favorite kind of porn, Hot Gay porn, when all of a sudden I see Larry barge into my room without knocking and starts licking my face. I scream for him to stop until I feel another tounge on my Nipples realizing that it's his THOT of a girlfriend Mellissa. with no where to escape I slapped Mel, and kneed Larry in his jewels and ran my ass to my bathroom and locked it crying.

I was on the floor holding myself cussing under my breath. That bitch... I thought that's what he wanted. I looked over to Melissa and saw her rubbing her cheek.

Larry: You okay?

Mel: *chuckles* I should be asking you that. Yeah, I'm fine. Told you he wouldn't like the surprise. *gets up* I'll get you some ice.

I watched her leave and looked back to the bathroom. I could hear Laurent crying. I didn't mean to scare him or hurt his feelings, I just wanted to make him happy. I crawled my way to the door and knocked.

Larry: Lau? Laurent? Can you hear me?

it's been ten minutes since I locked my self in the bathroom. I was in deep thought as to why Larry thought that him and Thotzilla licking me would make me happy! I heard them talking outside my door and then heard Mel left to get Larry, some ice. Next thing I know I hear A soft knock against my back , and Larry calling out to me " Lau/ Laurent? Can you hear me?" I heard him alright, Yes Lar-- but as soon as I was about to answer SHE walked back in and Said

Mel: Here Larry, put the ice down there it should help you baby"

Larry: Um Thanks Melissa, I think you should head home Now while I try to get him out."

Who does he think he is I'd rather he go with the fake eyebrow SheDevil. So I called out to him and said, " It's okay Larry I'm ok I was just a little shocked that all. But You and Mel go out and enjoy yourselves. I'll be fine." Hopefully he'll leave and I can call my Baby Nate he always knows how to make me feel better I just hope Larry doesn't find out.

It kind of hurt me that he would want me to leave after I made him cry, but I understood that he's still upset with me.

Larry: O-okay then... I guess we'll talk later.

Melissa helped me up and I asked her if we could go to my room so I could recover. He didn't hit me super hard but it was hard enough to make me weak. After a while I was able to walk on my own with a slight limp, but nonetheless fine. Melissa wanted to go back to her place and I drove us there. I know she and Laurent don't really see eye to eye but the girl is crazy in bed. When we pulled up to her place and went inside just felt empty. I've been here plenty of times and never once had I felt that way. Melissa had to call me a few times to snap me out of my thoughts.

Larry: Huh? What?

Mel: I asked if you wanted anything to drink?

Larry: Oh, uh water, please. I said as I made my way to the couch.

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