// three //

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Linked video to the piece Calum is learning in this chapter, if you wanted to listen :))

Chapter 3

Author's POV

The next few days were pretty similar for both Luke and Calum. Most of it consisted of settling into dorms and classes, meeting new teachers and singing up for clubs etcetera.

Luke and Michael decided to sign up in the rock department. If they auditioned successfully, they'd get their name on the department's wall of rock and also, free use of the music rooms and equipment which was a serious advantage for people who used to practise in dingy garages and basements. They would also be given the opportunity to record in the studios, another major plus they just couldn't pass.

Calum, on the other hand, had already been accepted into the classical department. One of the opera singers, Signor Accardo, knew Calum since he was little, since his parents had often forced him into doing competitions and participating in concerts. Now that he had been accepted, he spent most of his time in the concert hall or the smaller practice rooms, learning new concerto pieces for himself.

He'd made a few friends in the classical department; Jason, a cellist, and Freddie, the conductor of the university orchestra as well as a singer. They were all like him – quiet, reserved, but very talented – and he enjoyed spending time with them.

Luke's POV

"Hi, we're Luke and Michael and we're in a band called 5 Seconds of Summer," I introduced to the judges, voice wavering slightly due to nervousness. "We'd like to play you a song called Jet Black Heart."

The judge in the middle raised his eyebrows; a slender man with glasses and a long pointy nose. He was one of the music teachers. "Okay, and I take it Ashton is your session drummer?" I nodded, grasping the neck of my guitar for support. "You may begin."

I looked at the other two. We all knew that we just had to play it as we had during rehearsals, and everything would be fine. Everything would be fine. Fine, fine, fine.

Ashton brought us in and Michael started singing. "Everybody's got their demons, even wide awake or dreaming... I'm the one who ends up leaving, make it okay."

We got to the chorus and I played my power chords, harmonising with his voice, reaching the bridge, playing the chorus once again, and ending with a tight-lipped smile. "Thank you," the judge said, writing down some notes. "Now we'd like to ask you some questions."


"Do you think we got in?" Michael asked, his limbs splaying as he walked beside me. Ashton had left since he had a class, so it was just us walking through the campus to the food halls.

"Who knows... I messed up the bridge. How did I manage that? I never mess up the bridge!"

He sighed. "You were fine, Luke. You didn't mess it up."

"It didn't sound right, no one can deny that."

"Your voice just isn't suited for it. Don't fret, I know it's weird since Jack used to sing those parts, but you'll get used to it."

Hearing Jack's name made me sore but I smiled at his reassurance and we entered the busy canteen where students were picking up lunches or having coffees. I saw a group of girls meet up and hug, and a guy sitting alone on the windowsill with a book of sheet music in front of him.

Wasn't that the piano guy? I told Michael to grab a sandwich for me and find a seat, before hurrying over to say hi.

"Hi, it's me. From the other week?"

He stared up at me blankly, making about one second of eye contact before returning his eyes to the page. He had quite the resting bitch face, if I did say so myself.

"I'm Luke, by the way."


"Don't talk much, do you?"

He fidgeted and stood up straight. "Do you, um, want this windowsill or something? I can move."

"No," I said quickly, grabbing his arm but soon letting go after seeing his glare. "Sorry. Er... I just wondered if you wanted to hang out sometime?"

He looked at me as if I was mad. "I... I'm busy, sorry."

And with that, he walked off, soon becoming a blur in the crowd of students.

Calum's POV

What was with everyone approaching me? I wasn't that good looking, and that Luke guy certainly didn't seem to be interested in classical music... not with all those tattoos. Besides, I remembered seeing him on an advert. He was in one of those stupid bands that tried to imitate the rock legends.

Call me sceptical, but it was true. I couldn't bring myself to listen to shit like that.

I found a quiet spot in the library and continued reading the sheet music to a sonata movement by Chopin. Mum had sent me the sheet music by post and along with it wrote: Learn this for the young musician competition that'll be airing next month. I've already entered you. Mum xxx

When I first received it, I'd been really angry because she was always pushing these kind of things onto me, but once I'd started learning the piece it grew on me and I didn't mind so much. I didn't like being told what to do a lot of the time, especially when it came to music. I wanted to have choice, and to play what I wanted.

I headed over to the classical department, finding my practice room and sitting down at the piano with the score in front of me. Jason came in soon after with a grin. "Hey Calum," he greeted, dragging a padded chair over and sitting next to me. "What are you playing?"

My eyes ran across his dark brown curls and to his chocolate eyes, smiling back. "4th movement of Chopin's 3rd piano sonata," I said to him, watching him nod with a knowing frown.

"I like that one. Doesn't sound easy though... good luck!"

I chuckled, replying with, "You can do anything with practice. I'll get there. Have you eaten yet?"

He shook his head. "Nope, I've been practising for this concert my parents are holding. They asked me to be their 'opening act'..."

"Oh, what kind of concert is it? I might go and listen."

"This operatic thing. They've invited their singer friends along – oh yeah, I think Liz Hemmings is singing in it!"

My eyes lit up. Liz was my idol, my queen – everything I aspired to be. She was one of the best opera singers and pianists in Australia and I'd looked up to her even since I was a child. "Then I have to be there! When is it?"

"In two weeks' time, on Saturday the 5th of March. 7pm, central Sydney at the City Recital Hall."

"I'll be there," I said. It had been my lifelong dream to play at the City Recital Hall... I used to go there a lot as a kid to listen to concerts, but had never had the chance to play there. It was truly a great venue for pianists alike.

What I was really excited about, however, was seeing Liz. The last time I saw her was probably five years ago, at this competition. She'd been judging and we'd had a little talk afterwards about music, she'd said how she wished her sons were into classical music too, and I'd told her how much I admired her. She told me that the next time we met, she'd make me meet his son so I could try and inspire him to do real music.

I spent the rest of lunch thinking about him, wondering who he was and trying to picture his features.


That's right - Calum knows Liz but doesn't know that Luke is her son :))

And also, apologies for their disappointing meeting... things will get better (I hope)

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Kimmy xx

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