// thirteen //

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Random mid-week update for you all :)))

Chapter 13

Calum's POV

"Dammit this is so infuriating!!"

I couldn't help but burst out laughing at Luke's 10th failed attempt at getting the yellow rosy-cheeked animal with large eyes and tiny limbs. I didn't know what happened during the manufacturing of the plush because evidently proportion hadn't been calculated.

He'd already wasted ten dollars on the machine but was determined to keep going till he got this particular toy.

"Do you want me to try?" I suggested, leaning on the side so I could get a better view of his stance.

He lightly kicked the machine and sighed. "Yeah. Go on," he said, passing me a dollar to put in the machine. After slotting it in, it made a few sounds before telling me to begin.

My hand reached for the controller and I pushed it to the right, so it was directly on top of the yellow animal, then I pressed the button by the side of the controller and the metal claw went for it ruthlessly, attaching itself to the animal's head. Then, for some unknown reason, it picked it up, carried it to the chute and dropped it.

"Holy motherfucking Christ how the heck did you do that?!" Luke screeched in excitement, squeezing my waist in a bone-crushing hug. My eyes crinkled as I grinned, returning the hug with a kiss on the cheek. I saw a few people look our way but for once, I didn't care. They could look all they wanted; their judging was insignificant to this moment.

We pulled away and he opened the plastic flap, retrieving the toy. "Want me to get another one?" I asked cockily, seeing as I had another go from the dollar I'd inserted earlier. He nodded enthusiastically so I took the control again and got him a turquoise one that had a dark green onion thing on its back

I wanted to get one for Michael and Ashton too, so asked him for another dollar which he willingly gave me, this time getting a cute looking pink circular one with cat ears and a squiggly fringe and finally, a fox-like creature with many tails and a few curls on its head.

Content with our winnings which Luke stuffed in his backpack, we proceeded to go to the fairy floss cart. Bags and bags of white and pink fluffy clouds of sugar were hanging on display, people of all ages queueing up to buy some.

I got out my wallet and before Luke could protest I said, "You spent so much money on that plush machine, let me at least pay for this."

With reluctance he agreed, keeping close as the night breeze was beginning to send chills down our spines. I bought two bags, knowing that he'd probably have to finish most of mine because I couldn't handle that much sugar, then stopped at the designated spot because he needed to have a cigarette.

Michael and Ashton caught our eyes and hurried over, Michael squealing as he told us about a ride he'd just been on.

We perched our butts on the low brick wall where a couple other teens were standing, taking long drags and flicking the ash that gathered at the bottom of the cigarette. Luke gave one to Michael, who lit his, and then Ashton asked for one too, leaving me the only one without something to smoke.

"Calum, take one," Ashton said, gesturing at Luke's pack. This was exactly the kind of thing I was told not to do as a child, but since I was in a fuck-all mood, I didn't care. I knew it was spontaneous and impulsive, yet I also knew that I could die tomorrow and that this was the first time I actually had proper friends who cared for me.

I tentatively took the long white stick from Luke and he pressed the lighter for me.

When I inhaled, I almost choked the first time because it was all going down my lungs and it tickled my throat, though at the same time it was calming and soothing, like Luke's touch. He leant his head on my shoulder.

"How is it?" he asked whilst the other two started chatting about music. I smiled, looking his way.

"It's different. You might have to finish it off for me."

He laughed, shaking his head. "It would be a pleasure."

After a few moments of silence I asked, "Why do you need to smoke?"

He hesitated, probably forming a sensible answer in his head. "Usually it's because I'm stressed. It takes my mind off things whilst also giving me some space to think; but right now, it's because we're in a public place and to be honest, people scare me a bit. And there are a lot of them here."

I instinctively reached my arm around his waist and pulled him a bit closer. "Don't tell me you only came for the fairy floss and toy machine?" I said jokily, making him chuckle.

"Oh, don't worry. I still have things planned for tonight, but I need to take a moment that's all."

Nodding, I cuddled into him and let him finish off my cigarette, clearing my throat to get rid of all the dusty mucous.

Luke's POV

"This is our final ride of the night, so let's make it a special one!" I announced with a yawn, having to stretch my arms up high to get it fully out of my system. We'd just bought two paper tubs of vanilla ice cream and he was about to have his first taste of arguably the best dessert out there.

I saved the Ferris wheel for the last ride. It was cheesy and cliché and definitely not something I'd ride normally, but I was in love with the guy and the Ferris wheel was known for being romantic, so I thought that if I put the two pieces together, hopefully something good would happen.

"So, does it taste as good as you thought it would?"

He removed the small pink plastic spoon from his mouth, eyes glancing up as we queued. "It's amazing," he replied softly as if he hadn't tasted anything quite like it.

"Next time, I'll buy us marshmallows and we'll go down to the beach and have a bonfire."

Soon enough we reached the front of the queue and after paying, we entered the relatively small car that could fit four people, but Michael and Ashton chose to go on a separate one. Sitting facing each other, I grasped his hand, taking something from my backpack.

The ride started moving and we began our ascent into the sky, the bright lights of Sydney contrasting against the purplish-blue sky that had remnants of orange and yellow where the sun had gone down. Whilst Calum was busy looking outside, I placed the thin clear CD case in his hands.

His head spun around and with a puzzled expression he asked, "What's this?"

I pointed at the black lettering on the blank CD which said 'Luke's Demos #1' in my scrawny handwriting written using a black Sharpie.

"Your recordings?" His eyes immediately began to light up a bit, even more so when I nodded. "Wow, I... thank you so much!"

He came and sat next to me, making the carriage shake a bit and tilt in my direction but it stabilised after a few moments.

I was really excited for him to hear the 14th and last track of the crappy recordings; it was a song called Lost Boy that was technically written about a break up but worked for mine and Calum's situation just fine.

And now that he was sitting next to me, I could access his lips easier and believe me when I say I made good use of that fact. My right hand reached round his back and grasped his waist, luring him closer with a small smirk. I watched him hold his breath, before my lips met his in a graceful motion.

We made out for the rest of the ride; in fact, we were so reluctant to get off when the staff member opened the carriage door at the end that I had to promise him we'd continue back in his dorm.

Except, someone was waiting for him in his dorm, and it didn't seem as if it would end well.


Ominous ending to the chapter... 

Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed this spontaneous update! 

Favourite song from 5SOS' debut album? Mine is 18, still listen to it to this day :'))

Vote+comment for virtual 5sos demo CD

Kimmy xx

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