// five //

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Surprise weekday update for you because I feel like it 😎

Chapter 5

Luke's POV


I'd just been turned down.

I, Luke fucking Hemmings, had just been turned down.

Okay, what the fuck? Was that person even Calum? Like, he'd given off the impression of being pretty shy, maybe lacking confidence, a bit introverted and quiet, not some cocky straight sassy dude. It was confusing because his ass spoke 'firm, gay and ready to partay' and yet his mouth spoke 'don't touch me you hoe'.

My mind raged and I groaned, heading back to the radio station. I'd literally just left in the middle of a song and Ashton hadn't been too happy; but what else could I do? I just saw the person I'd been searching for, I couldn't exactly just continue singing.

"Luke... you wanna explain yourself?" Ashton asked, giving me a disapproving look whilst his arms were folded.

"I... uh... I'm sorry. It's just..."



He smirked. "You into him?"

"You could say that, yeah."

His smirk fell into a frown. "He's really quiet, that one. You have to work really hard if you even want to be his friend. He's always escaping, running away from situations and acting like some kind of ghost." He sighed and put a hand on my shoulder. "Good luck. Now, since the show is ruined now anyway, you wanna head to that party and get a drink before it's too late?"

Despite my reluctance to go to this party, I agreed since I had nothing better to do.


The party was just as I imagined it to be. Sweaty bodies everywhere, spilled cups lying here and there, grinding bodies wherever you walked – I wrinkled my nose as we squeezed past them to the kitchen where we caught up with Michael, who was having a full on make out session with a brunette girl. I cleared my throat, whilst grabbing a plastic cup and pouring myself some vodka.

They pulled away and Michael blushed. "O-oh, this is Rebecca. She's studying... tell them what you're studying?"

She giggled and rolled her eyes. "I'm studying bissniss," she slurred, evidently having had too much to drink.

"Right... you mean business?" Ashton corrected, giving me an amused look.

"Oh whatever it's the same thing!"

I downed the cup and immediately reached for the bottle to pour myself another one. Michael got back to kissing this girl and Ashton headed down to the basement to meet his friends, so I made my way over to the dancefloor, taking off my jacket so my tattoos were in full exposure.

Before I knew it, I had both girls and boys grinding on me, people's breasts and bulges against my back as I tried to wriggle out from the heated mess. Sure I loved partying but I wasn't really in the mood; you can probably guess why. My mind kept going back to Calum's sudden change of character, how he snapped into this angry raging dude who was nothing like him.

I decided hooking up with a girl was my best bet at getting him out of my mind, and kissed the one closest to me. Yuck – girl's lips were revolting to me. Damn, she was wearing lipstick too... She grabbed my left butt cheek and squealed, as I pushed her out of the room and up the stairs, the alcohol having consumed me.


"Luuuuuke we're leaving!!!" a voice sounding like Michael hollered.

I squinted at the flashlight forced into my face and quickly used my hand to swat it away. Oh shit, I was gonna vomit. Pushing past him, I fell off the bed, ran through the door and half tripped to the bathroom, shoving my head down the toilet as the sour burning liquid expelled itself out of my system.

Michael caught up with me, a drunken mess himself, and helped me up off my knees. "We're leaving."

"What's the time?" I asked groggily, grabbing a handful of tissue and wiping my mouth.

"Like, three."

"Why don't we just stay here till morning then?"

"Noooo! It smells of drunk people!"

I rolled my eyes but within minutes we were out of the building, Michael clutching onto me since he hadn't sobered up yet. With difficulty we made it back to the campus, just a few floor lights and wall lamps to guide us.

"Michael, you go up first," I ordered, handing him the key from my pocket and sending him in the direction of our dorm. "I'm gonna take a walk."

As soon as he was out of sight, I wandered about for a bit, scratching the back of my head whilst I thought up places I could go. I was fully awake now and there was no way I'd be able to get back to sleep – besides, the taste of alcohol lingered on me, inhibiting me from even trying to do anything.

Eventually, I decided to go to the radio station and see if it was still open. There was still music playing in the dining areas and some corridors of the music department so I knew someone had to be there. That, or Ashton had left a playlist running.

To my surprise, there was actually a performer in there. I entered silently, closing the wooden door behind me as my neck arched to look for the person playing such wonderful piano music.

Sure enough, it was Calum. He wasn't playing angry, aggressive music this time though – no, now it was soft and relaxing, perhaps even a bit sad. Something about it was lulling and after I'd made sure it was him, I sat with my back to one of the wooden CD racks. It also sounded somewhat familiar – my mum probably used to play it to me when I was younger.

I tucked my long spindly legs under my arms and sighed. My phone wasn't with me, the room was dimly lit – I was completely disconnected and felt at ease. Plus, a gorgeous hunk was playing the piano at the other side of the room. What wasn't to like? I could almost fall asleep at this rate.

The music stopped eventually, and my heavy eyelids rose once again. I couldn't sleep in silence; that was worse than torture for me. To let my thoughts take control of my mind was unhealthy and listening to music stopped that from ever happening, especially at night when I was most vulnerable to darkness.

"Who's there?"

Calum's voice made me jolt slightly and I held my breath, hoping he wouldn't notice me.


My eyes slowly travelled up and I saw him towering over me, with a confused look on his face. "Oh, hi Calum. Sorry, did I disturb you?"

To my surprise, he smiled. "You seem to walk into my practices quite often, don't you?"

I blushed heavily, hiding my face quickly. "I-I'm just curious. Why'd you stop playing? It was really relaxing." I almost kicked myself for saying something so cringey but he actually sat down next to me, and our shoulders touched.

"I was planning on going back to my dorm. It's 3am, you know."

"So why are you here?"

He shrugged. "This place provides a nice atmosphere and I get to perform without actually being in front of people."

"You not a people person?"

"Not really."

To be honest, I'd kinda figured that already. Whenever I saw him, he was moping about on his own, but I'm sure he had his reasons.

"By the way... I'm sorry for lashing out at you earlier. I didn't mean it."

"Aw, that's okay. So will you go on a date with me?"

"Didn't I tell you I wasn't into guys?"

"Sure," I remarked, standing up with an annoyed sigh. "Well, I'm going. See you around... maybe."


I wonder when Calum is going to open up and go out with Luke... hehe

BTW I changed Becca to Rebecca. Same thing right..?

Today's question... do you prefer flannels or cardigans? I gotta say, I'm a fan of flannels but not on myself. So I go for cardigans ;))

Vote+comment for a virtual Calum Maine shirt

Kimmy xx

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