Chapter 1

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It was 2004. I was 17 planning to have my 18th birthday party. I was vacuuming the living room floor when the debut of musicology caught my attention. I sat down on the couch and watched the music video on BET from beginning to end. Not knowing that just 4 months later I would be traveling to Toronto with my cousins to have a small vacation before he went off to college. Derrin and I were always close. He was the reason why I fell in love with music and the way it made you feel. Good day or bad day it was always there like a friend.

I packed my little purple duffle bag with 5 outfits and 2 pairs of shoes.

  "Are you ready yet? The plane leaves in 4 hours!"

  "I'll be right down!" I yelled down the stairs as I zipped what seemed like my overpacked bag.

I grabbed my iPod and flew down the steps as fast as I could go. It's a shame I couldn't download more music before this trip. I could really use something more to listen to.

  "It's about time princess. The world doesn't revolve around you all the time you know your highness." Derrin said with a smirk.

  "It actually kinda does twerp!" I snapped back.

Derrin used to be really really short when we were little so I would always call him names referring to his "smallness". He was cool with it until he hit puberty. Then he reached a good 6'2 without wearing sneakers. I only stood at 17 5'5. So who's the twerp now right?

  "You know you're really cute but I'm not the pip squeak that you used to pick on anymore. So can we move this along? I don't to miss this flight. This trip maybe a vacation to you but this is actually an early intern job. So do me a favor and don't embarrass me."

Whenever he gives the long dad speech he usually means business. Derrin was a very clean shaven light Caramel complexion young man built like Shemar Moore with a ceasar cut with deep waves. He looked like something out of a music video. He opened the door and looked at me. His light hazel eyes glared at me sternly.

  "Dee I won't embarrass you! I know this gig that you have been getting all hyped up for months is important! Stop talking to me like I don't know how to act!" I said to him.

  "I know that you know I'm just making sure that you know." He said. Derrin opened the screen door and waved his hand in a Bowing motion and said as he lowered his head "after you you're highness."

  "Cute." I said as I made my way out the door.

He locked the house up and we got into the cab and sped away to the airport.

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