Chapter 12

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As I walked down the halls and the corridors of this industrialized mansion, I was asking questions about how long it took to build it, where he gout his design idea from, how much his light bill was. We talked and he gave me advice on life as the tour continued. We walked past these huge screens with his videos playing. Diamonds and pearls was playing as we walked by. I stopped and watched in awe of his work. Prince watched as my face lit up and my eyes enlarged with excitement. He walked up behind me slowly and stood next to me. With a smile on his face he looked at me.

  "You like this song a lot don't you?" He said.

  "It's my favorite song in your entire catalog. It gives me a peace that I've never felt before." I said in wonder.

Prince grabbed my hand and I looked at him.

  "I want to show you something." He said to me still smiling from ear to ear.

He pulled me away from the song and we raced down another long hallway to these huge double doors with his symbol in the center. He let my hand go and turned his back to the doors. He put his hands behind his back and grabbed the two door knobs as he looked at me. I didn't like that look. It was scary and creepy. It was the look of a crazy person. His eyes were dark and his grin was cynical. He looked almost like the joker. I wasn't sure if I should go with him or run away and get out as quick as I could.

  "What's going on? Where are we?" I said as the fear rose to my voice.

  "You ready?" He said in his deep entrancing voice.

  "No? What's wrong with you? You're being creepy!" I said officially afraid for my life.

Prince jumped forward at me and I closed my eyes as quick as I could. I heard the double doors fly open and bright lights hit me. My eyes were still closed but I could still see white lights everywhere. I felt a hand grab my wrist and pull me closer into the lights. The fear was suddenly gone. I opened my eyes slowly. The lights were burning my retinas at first but it soon subsided. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. It was every musicians dream. Soundboards surrounded me. There were speakers in the walls. Microphones cascaded the room. Percussions in one corner. Guitars in another. It was overwhelming! I was beaming at this point. My musical soul couldn't take it! My hands were itching to touch everything. My heart felt like it was about to pop right out of my chest. It was the most amazing room in the house. I guess Prince could see my excitement because he had the biggest smile on his face. As he walked passed me he said softly

  "I knew you would like it.".

I was completely numb with happiness. It was like I had just died and went to musician heaven. I caught the scent of his cologne again as he walked by me. It brought me back down from my studio high.

  "Prince this place is amazing!" I said to him excited. He sat behind his drums and began to spin his sticks between his fingers as I continued.

  "You must spend countless hours in here! I bet you lock yourself in here for hours. I would too if I had a studio like this. It's a dream come true for you huh? You worked so hard for this! Wow!! You're golden man!"

I looked over at Prince still sitting behind his drums. He waved me over to him. I ran over to him and sat down on the floor.

  "Watch this!" He said

He began jamming his life away. Watching him in amazement I couldn't stop smiling. Out of nowhere I got this sudden urge to dance. There was a small stage just to the left of us. I ran up on stage and started dancing. He continued to drum out a crazy beat as I rocked out with him.

  "Go on mama!" He yelled over his drumming.

We were in sync at that moment. I saw him smiling as he watched me dance. He even laughed at me as I attempted to do a split. We ended our jam session. I jumped off stage and ran back over to Prince and his drums.

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