Chapter 2

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After getting scanned and damn near naked at the gates, I found a small corner by the window to sit by and listen to some music while we waited to board. Derrin was sitting at the bar trying to score his next girlfriend. I will never understand the mind of a college guy. I mean I dated one and had some insight but he was a clown anyway. He was often known as the king of fools. I sat on my bag and leaned against the wall jamming out to T.I. As I watched Derrin Mack this girls ear off, I thought about what I would see and do in Toronto. I wondered if I would run into any of the Degrassi cast during this trip. My first thing to do if I did was to hug jimmy and sit on his lap since he's wheelchair bound.

It was finally time to board the plane. I was excited and a little nervous at the same time. We flew the 6 1/2 hour flight from Atlanta to Toronto without a hitch. Probably because I slept through the entire flight.

  "You are gonna love the hotel we're staying in! A lot of A-Listers stay there when they come to Toronto." Derrin said excitedly.

  "Will I run into Jay-Z or Katt Williams?" I said to him

  "I'm not sure but Dave Chappelle's in town doing a tour. Maybe we might see him at his show tonight."

  "EPIC! I can see myself saying to him I'm Rick James bitch!"

Derrin laughed at me and shook his head.

  "Well little cousin let's check in and get settled."

We walked two blocks to the hotel land checked in. Derrin gave me the extra room key and sent me up to the room. It was the most beautiful room I've ever stayed in.

There were two full sized beds in one room and a living area with a kitchen in another room. It was almost like the presidential suite but smaller. The bathroom has a jacuzzi tub with jets and a stand up shower.

  "A girl can get used to this kinda life" I thought to myself. Just when I really got into my day dream Derrin came in.

  "Find everything to your liking you're majesty?" He said with a smirk.

  "Everything seems to be in order my good subject. Now be a dear and fetch me some skittles and a Pepsi." I clapped my hands at him and shooed him off.

Derrin laughed and said "we have room service for that kid."

I walked over to the window and pulled back the curtain.

  "The city of Toronto looks amazing from up here! Being on the 17th floor is awesome!" I exclaimed.

  "Indeed it is cousin. Too bad I have to go meet with my boss in the lobby in an hour I'd go with you to sightsee."

I turned quickly and looked at Derrin. I felt kind of bad that he couldn't really enjoy his time like I wanted him to. 19 and already interning in the music industry and he hasn't finished his second year at A&T.

  "So you're gonna just work the whole time I'm here enjoying myself? That's not fair! Who is your boss I should call him and give him a piece of my mind!" I shouted.

  "I know you were looking to spend time with me kid but-"

  "But nothing! If this was what it was then I shouldn't have come!"

Derrin knew I was upset. He hated when I was angry. He grabbed my hand and looked at me with the sad eyes.

  "I'll make it up to you cousin I promise. When I'm done we'll go to dinner and maybe if we play our cards right we'll run into mister brooks?" He said convincing a smile on my face.

  "Fine but you owe me BIG TIME." I said to him as I turned my head back to the window.

He reached into his pocket and pulled out two one hundred dollar bills.

  "Here take this and go have fun. I promise I will see you in an hour. Stay in the lobby kid don't wonder. I know how your curious mind likes to wonder." Derrin said.

I looked at him and smiled. He left the hotel room singing a song that I couldn't hear because I was still too upset to even notice. I went in the bathroom and changed my shirt to a purple old navy tank top and fixed my eyeliner. I then took the money Derrin gave to me and stuffed it in my pocket. As I grabbed my Nike backpack I took a deep breath. I grabbed the door handle and went out to explore the city. Toronto here I come!

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