Chapter 3

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I walked outside the hotel and looked both ways trying to decide which way I should walk first. My mind was telling me to go left so of course I went left. That decision to go left was one of the best decisions I ever made. That first day in Toronto was a day that I will never forget. I walked down maybe 3 blocked when I felt something fall on my shoulder. As I freaked out from this mystery thing that fell on me and fell into a man standing in front of me waiting to cross the street.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry sir!" I said empatheticly.

I know I'm a bit of a clutz when it comes to me doing something as simple as walking. The man turned and looked at me as if I was crazy. He was wearing a baby blue suit with a matching fedora and black sun glasses. His shoes also matched the suit and fedora. I thought that it was weird that he was wearing heels.

"I really didn't mean to bump into you I felt something fall on me from one of the buildings and it freaked me out! Did I hurt you at all sir? Are you ok?" I asked him in a panic.

He didn't say anything. He just looked at me.

"I'm not from around here and I really don't know where I'm going but again I'm really sorry." I said hoping to get something out of him.

Nothing. Just this look. Stoned face. Weird.

"Ok! Well! Nice chat! Again sorry for running into you. Have a good day!"

My words must have been dripping in sarcasm because he crossed the street behind me and said

"You can't walk away yet I never got a chance to forgive you."

I turned at gave him a stare down. As he came up to me I looked him up and down.

"Dude who do you think you are Jesus??? I think I can walk away when someone won't respond to an apology. I said that I was sorry and you said nothing but now you want to talk?"

"You're a feisty young lady aren't you?" He said as he giggled.

All of a sudden I got this familiar feeling that I knew him. I began to stare at his face but I still couldn't get a good idea of how I knew him.

"You look like somebody I know but.....taller." I said in confusion.

"Sarcasm again?" He asked.

"No I'm not being sarcastic you really look like I know you from somewhere! Can you take your glasses off?" I asked him anxiously.

"No." He said quickly.

It was this weird feeling of dejavu that I just couldn't shake to save my life. The wind gave a gentle breeze as we stood on the corner. The sun began to peak from behind the building across the street and the light reflected off of his ring and onto my shirt. He looked at the light spot on my shirt.

"I see you like purple. I like purple too. It's a color of royalty. How royal do you feel right now? He asked. His deep voice was a slight turn on for me. It almost made my heart skip a beat or two. The wind blew another breeze and I caught the scent of his cologne.

"You smell like royalty but to answer your question I don't feel all that royal because I feel like I'm being interrogated by a man in a blue suit that looks like he's on his way to a pimp convention."

"You know your sense of humor is very real and raw for a woman. I like that. It's kind of a turn on." He said as a smile slowly spread across his face.

"So now your hitting on a teenaged girl?" I asked

"Not at all. I just love your untapped potential to make me laugh. It makes my day."

"Even after I almost knocked you into traffic?"

"Now that was hilarious."

Lie! A whole bold faced lie! I almost killed you and that's funny????? This guy really is being weird! And I can't figure out who you are and how I feel like I know you! Dude who died and made you a prophet!?!?!

I looked at him one more time and sighed.

"I give up. I can't figure it out." I said disappointed.

"It was nice bumping into you and having this very odd and interesting conversation with you but I gotta go. I have a little bit of time left before I have to meet with my cousin for dinner so......"

"It was a pleasure little miss.....I'm sorry I didn't catch your name." He said. Clearly you can hear his flirtatious behavior in his voice.

"I won't give you any information if your gonna stalk me." I said with a smile.

"Well you are pretty cute but I promise you there will be no stalking. After all it should be you stalking me after today."

Wait! WHAT???? What does that even mean???? My confused look on my face must have given it away because he laughed out loud and tilted his glasses further down his nose and looked up at me.

"Still don't know me now?" He asked though his smile.

"I don't dude! And now this is going to haunt me for the rest of my life!" I said frustrated.

"There's a cafe right over here. Come join me. I have to meet with someone there anyway."

"I just met you and if this is going to turn out really weird I'll pass."

"Nothing will be weird about it I can assure you. Unless you want me to put on spandex and roller blades."

"Seriously you're into that kind of thing?"

"I was in my 20's but I'm much smoother now i think."

"Well I'll come but just for a few minutes."

"Great. You made me so happy!"

I walked to the cafe with the pimped out blue suited man and went inside. I sat down at a table in the back and he met me there with two cups of tea. He sat down in front of me without his glasses. I couldn't believe what was happening at that moment. The shock filled my body and I thought my soul was going to leave my body.

"You ok? You look like you just saw the ghost of mother Teresa." He said again with a smile.

"I- you- you're-" I stammered out of my mouth.

He was still smiling while I stuttered. I still don't believe it

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