Chapter 14

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We took a lift to the top floor. There were doors down on both sides of the hall. All of them looked like slabs of black marble with silver plated knobs. We stopped at door number 5. On the right hand side. He stepped in front of the door and grabbed the handle.
"I think you're going to like this room. It fits who you are." He said.
"We'll wait what about Derrin?" I asked. "Where's he gonna be?"
"Don't worry he gets a room too. He'll be right next door."
I let out a sigh of relief as he took my hand. The door opened and the lights turned on. I started to wonder how would his wife feel about me staying here.
"Hold on a second P. How would the lady of the house feel about me staying here? I mean think about it she's not here and you have a girl. A young girl in your house that's old enough to be your daughter staying in your guest bedroom. Wouldn't she spaz out on you?"
"Manuela doesn't really like when I have parties that run into the early hours of the morning. So she flew out to Canada to stay with her family for a few days."
Prince sounded so sad. He must really love her. Who is this girl and what is wrong with her?!?!? Why would you know want to be with this fine piece of DNA????? We continued into the bedroom. It was of course tailor made to fit the sense of style that Prince portrayed in any other room. There was huge bed with black and gold sheets. The walls were a soft tan and the floors were wood with black fuzzy rugs. There were candles lit everywhere. It was very chill and tranquil. It was very big. And very welcoming. The bathroom was spacious as well. It had a Stand up glass shower with a tub the size of a small pool. The Mirror over the sink touched the top of the ceiling to the back splash. The sound of little chimes rang.
"How do you like it?" He asked me.
"It's beautiful. Although, I expected you to have-"
"I love purple but I didn't want to over do it. People expect to come to a big purple fun house. It's not the case with me at all. I like other colors too but purple is my favorite because it has more meaning."
"Well like you said it is the color of royalty and you are indeed royalty. They don't call you royal badness for no reason now."
He smiled as he went and sat down on the bed.
"I'm not bad though!" He said.
I let out a deep sigh and sat down on the bed beside him.
"I know you're not bad. It just means that you're cool. You are pretty badass on a guitar though."
Just then he gave me a look. It confused me for a second. Then I remembered. I took a ten dollar bill out of my pocket and handed it to him.
"I forgot no swearing. Keep the change." I said as I slapped the money in his hand.
He smiled big at what I had just done.
"Thank you. And thank you for the compliment." He said.
We sat there quietly for a moment. I looked down at the floor as he glanced over at me. I broke the silence.
I wanted so badly to continue but for some reason I couldn't tell him how I really felt or what I wanted to say because I didn't want to ruin a moment with a perfect man. So I changed my thoughts.
"Thank you. For everything. And for what your doing for my cousin. He's so grateful for this opportunity to impress you. This is something that I know we'll never forget. You really are a wonderful person. You're a little mysterious but still wonderful. And very good looking."
He began to blush. Prince was a blusher! How about that! He's even cuter when his cheeks get pink! Good lord this man! Prince touched my hand still blushing.
"You are very welcome." He said smiling at me. We had a moment of silence and I gazed into his eyes. As bad as I wanted to deny it I couldn't believe I was falling in love with this man. I can't tell him that. I'm too young! I don't even know what love is! This is crazy! I have to get myself out of this spell. I quickly snapped out of it.
"Well I guess you should go and check on my dress huh?" I said nervously.
"That's right it should be ready by now. I'll have it sent to you. We're about to get started." He said.
Prince got up and touched my shoulder. As he walked over to the door he looked back at me still sitting there on the bed watching him walk away. Prince walked with a swagger that nobody else I knew had. His walk said 'yeah you know who I am'.
"When you're ready meet me at the sound stage. Don't keep me waiting." He said.
He gave me this smirk that only Prince could give to a person. I didn't say anything back to him. I just flashed him a smile and out the room he went. This was going to be a crazy party.

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