Chapter 29

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Violet's POV

For the past few days, the guys have been watching me and babying me. It's starting to get on my nerves.

I sat on the couch, and I had myself wrapped in a blanket watching the sixth season of The Walking Dead because why not?

I was screaming at everyone on the tv. It's not like they're gonna here me, but u can't help it. Most of these people are dumb as hell.(a/n actually very true if you watch TWD like me)

Luke came to sit by me, and watched the show with me.

"When does your tour start?" I asked. I should've asked him before, but it didn't really come to mind.

"Well, we're going to the UK first. We start in April," He said, and I nod. That's a few months away.

"Where are we gonna be at for my birthday?" I asked. I really don't want them to have a concert that day, but there's nothing I can do about it.

"Wait, um, I think we're in Florida," He said, and I smiled. I really want to go to Disney. (A/N I'm actually going to Florida in a few days with my best friend :) and Disney is fun but if you went a lot like me it's not as fun. Only reason I went there a lot was because my aunt worked there for awhile. Sorry. Back to the story)

I continued screaming at the tv, and I could hear Michael laughing at me.

"It's not like they can here you!" Michael screamed from the kitchen.

"I don't care! They're acting like idiots, and make me a sandwich while you're in there!"

"I'm not your personal slave!" He said, and I laughed.

"Please!" I scream, and he gave in. Thank god.

Calum comes down the stairs, and decided to jump on to me. I was trying to push him off, but he's too damn heavy for me.

"Jesus Christ, get off me!" I scream, and Cal continued to sit there. I slap him in the head, and he rolls onto the floor.

"That wasn't nice, Violet," He said, and I kicked him into the table.

I turn to Luke, and he's not laughing at the scene right in front of him. His eyes were glued to his phone.

I lean over, and he stares at me.

"What are ya doin'?" I asked.

"Texting management. They're being dickheads about you coming in the tour."

I groan, and joined Calum on the floor. I hate management with a burning passion. They're always complaining about what the guys want to do, and it really pissed me off.

"I swear I will lose my shit if they start that whole 'you need to break violets heart' shit," Michael said with my sandwich in hand.

"It's complete bullshit," Calum chimed in, and I nod.

Ashton walked through the door, and everyone stared at him.

"What?" He asked.

"Where have you been?" Michael asked, and Ashton sighed.

"Out with your girlfriendddd?" Luke asked, wiggling is eyebrows.

"Since when did you have a girlfriend?" I asked.

"He's been dating a model. She's pretty hot," Michael said, and Ashton punched him in the back.

"Her name is Bryana. And yes, she's a model," He said, and my eyes widened.

"Do you mean Bryana Holly? Damn, you scored. She's pretty hot," I said, and laughed.

"Shut up," He said, and his cheeks got red. We started reading him, and he was getting pissed.

"Lord, please help me," He mumbled as he walked away.

"We're such assholes," Luke said, and we laugh. It was true. We were being a little bit like dickheads, but it was funny.

I jump back on the couch, and scrolled through social media. Everyone was so excited for Sounds Live, Feels Live. I hated seeing it.

I turn off my phone, and lay on Luke.

"What are you doing?" He asked, and I shrugged.

"Okay then. I'm excited for the tour. It's gonna be fun going to all the places again playing for people," He boasted, and I frowned. Now that I know about it, it's like it's being brought up every 5 seconds. Of summer. Sorry.

Luke looked down at me, and he realized.

"What color are you dying your hair next?" He asked, and then I heard Michael stumbling through the house to get to us. He shows up, and he has a smile on his face.

"Did someone say something about dying hair?" He asked, and he grinned.

He dragged me into the bathroom, and already had a concoction prepared for me. I didn't see the color, but I knew because he put it on my hair right away.

"You ruin this shirt, I ruin you," I threatened, and he laughed.

"I don't make any promises."

"Of course you did. Let's go, V," He said, and grabbed my arm.

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