Chapter 34

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I know this is probably in the back of your library atm and you've forgotten all about it but here's a chapter for you guys that actually care. OH AND MERRY CHRISTMAS FROM YOUR NOT SO FAV PERSON

Luke's POV

We  out of the airport, and the breeze of Australia hit my face and filled my lungs. Violets wanted to come as soon as possible so we just went.

"I'm so glad we're back home," Michael said, and let out a relaxed sigh.

"Seriously. I wanna see my mum," Calum said cheerfully, and we all nodded. I wanted to go home and see my mum, and just relax with Violet. She's been stressed out lately, and she needs to get herself out of her own  head.

Once I saw the sight of my house, I automatically became cheerful. Violet looked out the house with a look of relief on her face. She wanted to be inside as much as I did.

We began unpacking the suitcases out of the car, and one by one, our mums came out to give us hugs. My mum ran over to me with a smile of delight like she always has. I looked over to see Violet standing there like a stranger as everyone else was happily greeted by one another. I motioned her to come over to me, and she waved it off. She gave me a smile, and I focused back on my mum.

"Geez, where's Violet? I want to see her," My mom said quickly, and darted her eyes right over to Violet with happiness. She excitedly walked over to Violet and gave her a hug.

Violet looked so happy, and she didn't seem to mind that my mum was cutting off her air passage.

"Man, you still are beautiful," My mum said, and Violet happily hugged her again.

"Okay, let's get into the house cause it's hot outside," I said, and we  dragged our luggage into the house.

My mom explained to us that we're staying in the spare bedroom, can use her car whenever, and that we can eat anything we want which we already knew.

I jumped onto the bed in our room, and Violet looked tired and exhausted. She fell onto me, and was automatically asleep. Her little snores always made me laugh.

I didn't fall asleep at all because I was worrying about Violet. She seems fine and all, but what if she's not. The freak out at the airport really shook all of us up, and I hope she hasn't been really thinking about it.

I got out of bed to head downstairs, and saw Calum sitting on my couch drinking some water.

"Why are you up, dipshit?" I called to him from the stairs.

"Couldn't sleep. I really don't know why," He said, and sighed."Why are you up?"

"Worried about Violet," I said, and he chuckled.

"That's all you ever do, and that's good. Can't wait to see you marry her one day, like, that's gonna be crazy," He exclaimed, and laugh.

"Haha, yeah. Thinking about that is even crazier," I say as I sit down next to him, and he nods.

"How are you going to do it. You guys are like madly in love so, why not do it now? You have your opportunity," He asks me, and I think for a second. How am I going to do it?

Violet is as important to me as anyone else, and that's saying a lot because I love my mom to an extreme extent. Violet brings happiness to my heart, and she's something that I want to hold onto for ever even though it doesn't exist, just like she said when we first met. And that had me thinking. Why not do it now? We're young and reckless so why not take an advantage of it?

"Maybe I might do it soon," I mumble, and claim jumped on me, put a finger in my face, and all he said was,"Do it, and i better be your best man, I swear to god."

Calum climbed off of me, and he just sat there thinking.

"You better do it good or I will break your arms in multiple directions. Do you understand how many times Violet and I have talked about you? She loves you, more than you think. You're really her only family she's ever had in her life. She's held onto you because she was scared she didn't have anywhere else to go. She was lonely as hell when shit happened between you guys. She really does love you." He relaxed in his seat a bit.

"She has a big heart, and 99.9% of it goes out to you. She wants your happiness more than she wants her own, and she's willing to give you everything even if it means she's not going to be here forever. Her biggest fear is losing you. She cherishes you more than anything else, and she puts her heart on the line 24/7. Don't mess it up."

Really short and shitty but I haven't updated since October I think so please love me still and enjoy this shirt chapter. I have a lot of ideas now, so hopefully I can get updating back on track over Christmas break. I love you all and I hope you all had a wonderful holiday (don't know what everyone celebrates so this is the best option) and hopefully I'll be updating v soon!

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