Chapter 31

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Violet's POV

I wake up next to Luke, and his hair covered his face messily. He looked really fucking adorable, but he isn't going to be when he wakes up.

I slide out from under him, and place my feet onto the cold floor. I tip toe into the kitchen, and pour myself a bowl of Cocoa Pebbles because they're good as hell.

I sat on the other end of the couch, and out on The Walking Dead since nothing else is good in the morning. Luke slowly got up, and I knew he had a headache.

"Fuck this shit," He groaned, and rolled over onto his back."Morning," He said. His voice was raspy and low, and he slammed him face into the pillow.

"Why the fuck did I drink last night," He groaned, and curled up into a tiny ball with his arms around the pillow.

"Well, you weren't as bad as Ashton. He was done for," I said, remember Ashton falling everywhere. He's not going to be all happy-go-lucky this morning.

I heard groaning from upstairs, and Michael slowly stomping down the stairs.

"Morning sunshine," I said, and he stopped to glare at me.

"Shut the fuck up," He growled, and continued his way down the staircase.

"I'm guessing Ashton was pretty shitface if he is worse than Michael is," Luke said, and I nodded. Ashton was so out of his mind.

I heard two pairs of feet walking upstairs, and I knew one of them was going to be pissy as hell. I look at the stairs once again, and Ashton looked fucking dead. Not like tired, like pale as hell.

"Don't look at me or talk to me," He mumbled, and plopped into the couch beside me.

"Want water?" I asked, and he snapped his gaze towards me.

"Yes," He said coldly, and he sits on the couch.

I get up, and grab everyone water, and balancing four glasses is pretty hard.

I slowly walked back to the living room, and handed Ashton his water. He gave me a glance, then took a huge chug from the cup.

I handed one to Michael and to Luke, and placed Calum's on the table. He came down a few minutes later, and they were all regretting drinking last night.

"So, how was yesterday?" I asked, and they glared at me. I chuckled, and Luke playfully punched me in the arm.

"Rude," I said, and Luke slammed his head into a couch pillow.

"Awe c'mon. Let's do something! How about a vacation? Bowling? Skating? Hello?" I said, and the guys groaned.

"Vacation sounds nice," Ashton grumbled, and hugged a pillow he brought down with him.

"Well, let's do it!" I exclaimed, trying to get something out of them.

"Tomorrow," Michael groaned, and I slapped him.

"I know hangovers suck, but get your lazy asses up, God dammit!" I screamed, and Calum flipped me off.

"Guys, get up," Luke said, and he pushed himself off the couch. I stare as they get up, and I punched Luke.

"How come they listen to you, but not me?" I asked, and he laughed.

"Well, where are we going? It's almost Christmas, you know that right?" Ashton said, and I nodded.

"A Christmas vacation!" I said, and suddenly got really excited.

"Well, what place is really hot during the winter?" Michael asked, and I smiled.

"How about we visit your family again in Sydney," I said, and they smiled.

"Not the hottest during winter, but if I get to swim, then let's go!" Michael said. He was in.

I looked at the guys, and they nodded.

"Well, Sydney here we come!" I exclaimed, and the guys jumped back on the couch.

"Assholes," I mumbled, and went upstairs.

I jumped on the bed, and I clasped my arms around a pillow I front of me. Luke came in, and laughed.

"You replaced me with a pillow?" He joked, and I nodded.

He laid next to me, and removed the pillow from my grasp. I looked at him, and wrapped my arms around his waist.

"Staying up and taking care of you is a hassle. You're the worst when your drunk," I yawned, and Luke scooted closer.

"Sydney is going to be fun," He commented, and nodded into his chest.

"What do you want for Christmas?" He questioned, and looked at me.

"Um, for you to show up in a slutty nurses outfit," I laughed, and he chuckled.

"Seriously. What do you want?" He asked, and I thought for a moment. Nothing really came to mind, and he sighed.

"Guess I'm just going to surprise you," He smirked, and I groaned.

"I fucking hate surprises, Hemmings. One thing though, you do anything stupid in Christmas, I'll beat your ass," I threatened, and he laughed.

"Okay, okay. How about flannels? Flannels are nice," He said, and I shook my head. I already had enough of those.

"Food? Hot Cheetos especially?" He questioned, and I shook my head again. Hot Cheetos did sound good, but that's not a very suitable gift for Christmas.

"Surprise it is then!" He beamed, and I sighed. "It's you that can't think of anything, so you put this on yourself," He pointed his finger at me, and I grabbed it with my hand.

"I will break every one of your finger individually till you beg for mercy, Lucas," I glared at him.

"I was joking. Damn," He giggled, and placed his hand on my waist.

I swear I will break his finger though.

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