World Around Me (Criag Mabbitt/Escape The Fate FF)

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-Hailee (pronounced Haley)-

"11-18 get ready!" I just got out of the shower as I sighed, "Third time this week..." I mumbled as I got dressed in my Black panties and bra as I got on my Black American Flag Skinnies, my Lollipops & Cigarettes (Craig Mabbitt's line) 'Don't Hate The Play Hate The Game' shirt, I turned my curling iron on as I quickly did my make-up. "Hurry it!!" I curled my Dark brown hair as I looked around to see Jason with his hands on his hips. "I'm almost done." I said as I got my converse socks, as I put a little of my Victoria Beckham Signature Eau De Toilette perfume on as I grabbed my Nightmare Before Christmas hoodie and ran down stairs. "Hailee you go last." I shrugged as I saw a little girl come up to me. I smiled at her, "Hi! I'm Hailee!!" she giggled softly at me. "Leila!" she giggled as she sat next to me. "Leila Rose Come on!" Her mom said. "But mommy!" "Now Leila." She pouted as she said. "Are you a fan of my daddy's?"

I looked at her confused; "Leila Rose come on." We heard a man's voice as I looked up to see Craig Mabbitt." I smiled at her, "I'll be seeing you later." I smiled as she giggled running over to her dad. I got my converse on as I looked at the time. "Half hour." I said to myself as I just got my phone out along with my headphones as I put on 'You're Insane.' By Escape The Fate. I can't wait to see them live. I hummed along as almost half hour went by I went upstairs as I grabbed my backstage passes I got for my birthday yesterday. I grabbed my car keys and headed out to my car. I love Phoenix sometimes.

~I'm sorry I haven't introduced my self My name is Hailee Maria Johnson, 18 and an Orphan. I am not liked or loved by any of the parents that come here. Kids at school call me the Emo Queen others just ignore me I don't mind at all I'm used to it my parents ignored me all my life till I got taken away. Anyway let's get back to my story~

I got in my car as I saw Leila she waved at me as I waved back, as I heard her say; "Daddy that's the girl I was talking to her name is Hailee." I giggled to myself as I backed out of the orphanage drive way and drove to the Venue. I got the Venue as I parked my car I was half hour early as I was walking to the guard to show my ass I heard a little girl say, "HAILEE!!!" I turned to see Leila. I giggled as she ran over to me. "Leila wait!" she got up to me as she smiled. "Leila what are you doing." I giggled as she smiled. "I like you!" I smiled as I saw her parent's catch up. "I'm so sorry." I giggled. "It's fine really she's a sweetheart. I said as her parents looked at me. "Do you work at the orphanage?" Leila asked. "Me? No I live there." Leila looked at Craig and Gabby. "You heading backstage?" Gabby asked me as I nodded. "I got it for my birthday yesterday." She nodded.

"I'll head back there with you." I smiled, "Alright!" Leila held my hand and that surprised me and Gabby a little as I looked at Gabby as she smiled. "So what happen that made you be in the orphanage?" She asked me as I looked at me. "My parents hated me so much that they ignored me all the time they didn't let me do anything sometimes they would lock me in my room for days because they forgot about me one of my neighbors didn't see me for two weeks and called the cops. The cops took me away from them and my parents told them that they didn't care. I found out it was because I wasn't their perfect child and that's why they did it." Gabby got a sour face as I shrugged.

"it's okay really I'm a little better now I still get ignored but I'm okay." She just sighed as Leila started dragging me to the stage. "hailee?" She said as I looked at her, "Yeah?" "Will you stay with me?" I smiled. "Of course!" she giggled as we were hanging out on the stage till they went on. Leila and I danced around with the music. When it was over I was dragged to the bus as I sat outside with Leila as we just talked for a while. "I better go I have a curfew." I said as Leila got upset. I went over to her as I went to her height. "You'll see me tomorrow silly." She looked at me and giggled softly. She hugged me as I hugged her back. "Bye Hailee." "Bye Leila." She waved as I waved back. I smiled as I got to my car. "Wait!" I heard as I turned around to see Craig. I just got wide eyed, "Gabby told me you're story and your good with Leila you're the first one she's actually liked." I nodded.

"We'll see you tomorrow." He smiled as he left I just stood there confused as ever as I got in my car and left. I got to the Orphanage as I parked and turned off my car as I went inside. I snuck up to my room and got my Hello Kitty Pajama's and went to bed. I got woken by Jason; "Your getting adopted." I looked at him confused. "By who?" "Hailee!!" I turned to see Leila as I moved over as she laid in bed with me. "Hey Leila." She giggled as she hugged me. "Are you ready to go?" I heard Craig said as I looked at him. "I'll take that as a no." I just smiled and got up.

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