Chapter 13

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:3 I love writing this story so I hope you all enjoy<3


I woke up as I looked around to see my dad passed out Leila sleeping on the bed with me TJ Holding my hand and Max with Robert talking softly. I groaned in pain as max and Robert looked at me. "Thank god you up." "I hurt." I whispered as they laughed. "You got out of sugary last night." "Whose with mom?" I asked. "Craig was supposed to but he fell asleep. I woke dad as he looked at me and smiled he kissed my head. "Go to mom." He nodded as he walked over to Leila kissed her head and left. I put a hand on my chest to feel the stitches, "So what are you guys doing here." I asked with a croak. They looked at me, "We've only left to shower and sleep." I nodded, "We took turns Leila didn't want to leave." I nodded. The doctor came in as I looked at him, "I see your finally awake." I nodded, "your throat will be soar for a while but you can leave after we get you checked out in a couple days." I nodded as Leila got up. "Sissy!" she squealed as she hugged me. I hugged her back as I held her for a bit. "hey princess." I said making her giggle. "When can you go home with me?" "Soon I promise." She nodded as I sighed.

-A couple days later-

"Alright you can be released." I smiled an thanked the doctor, Leila handed me a bag of clothes as I went into the bathroom as I changed I into my Dcor Victory Tank it is purple and black, I giggled because Leila packed my DC Comics Justice League pajama pants. I put my Black Veil Brides hoodie over it and fixed my hair and put black and grey beanie on as I left the bathroom as I sat in the bed as I put on my TOMS Grey Suede Jacquard Nepal boots on they are so comfy. Dad came in, "I got you and mom signed out." I nodded as Leila ran over to Max who he and Leila left. "So what happen with tour?" I asked as dad sighed. "We had to cancel." "That sucks I feel bad." I said as dad sighed. "It's not your fault Hailee." "Well everyone seems to think so..." I said as he sighed. "Let's get going." I nodded as I saw mom as she smiled at me I kissed her cheek as she laughed. "Please sit." The nurse said, "Can't I walk?" I asked quietly as dad laughed. "Sit Hailee." I sighed as I sat. "Oh the doctor said that you have to eat healthy so no fast food for a month." I nodded. "and exercise! Oh and the doctor wanted me to remind you no pot and no drinking."

I nodded as dad said, "we'll make sure of that because we won't allow it around the baby." I nodded. "I know.. I know trust me I've been through this more than once with my doctor." I mumbled as we got outside as I got up as the three of us walked to the car as the nurse came over to watch them buckle my little brother in. Mom told me I could have the front so I sat in the front as I buckled and grabbed my phone from the glove department. I turned it one and plugged it in. I was debating wither to make a new twitter or not...UGH Fuck it I made a new twitter Hailee Mabbitt @ForgetAndForgive I added dad, mom, and a couple others as dad got in finally as he said, "I hope you don't mind but we have to go shopping." I nodded as I got a text from Max. "Max wants us to pick up some McDonalds..." I said as I looked at dad. "Tell him no that we can't have fast food for a while." I nodded as I texted him it as he didn't text back. I ignored it as dad mom and the little one and I went shopping. We got healthy food; when we got home we saw Max and Leila sleeping on the couch (see the side pic). I took a picture of it as I put it on my twitter.

"You made a new one?" dad asked as I nodded. "Alright let's make some food I'm hungry." I said as mom and dad laughed. I made some chicken and made a salad for myself and the others. I ate in the living room as Leila woke up as she looked at me. "What are you eating sissy?" "Salad and chicken." "Can I have some?" I nodded as I handed her my plate and let her eat some of my chicken. I was handed a fork as I smiled at Max. "Thanks Max." "No problem." He said as he sat next to me. I ate my salad as he looked at me. "So why are we eating really healthy?" I pointed to my heart as he nodded. TJ came in as I smiled at him. "Hey TJ." I said as he smiled at me. "Hey Hailee how you feeling?" "Better I'm feeling better than ever." I told him as he smiled at me as he kissed my head. I got up Leila handing me the plate as I kissed her head as she asked, "Can I sleep with you tonight." "Yeah Leila you don't have to ask." She giggled at me as I smiled. "Alright let's to straighten up my room." I said as she giggled I put the plates in the sink. "I'll wash the dishes when I'm done!" I called as mom giggled at me. "you don't have to."

"I will though." She smiled and kissed my head. "Love you mom." She smiled and was a little shocked. "Love you too Hailee." I smiled as Leila dragged me to my room. She handed me the letters as I opened them as I had one with razor blades in them another with weed, another with a lighter." I went outside as I put the stuff into the fire pit as I put gas on them as dad came out as I lit a match that was sitting on the grill as I lit it and threw it on the letters. "What was that?" "My so called friends sent me razor blades, weed and shit like that so I am burning it." I said as he nodded as he smiled at me. "Proud of you Hailee." "Thanks dad." I said as he hugged me. "Love you dad." He chuckled. "I love you too." "Gabby told me that you told her that you said that you love her." I smiled. "I did, I just felt like telling her." He smiled at me as we were out there till the fire went out. We went inside as Leila was in my bed asleep again. "She must be really tired..." I said as everyone nodded. "She never left the bed...she wanted you to wake up." I smiled as I went into my room as I kissed her cheek. "Sissy?" She asked as I smiled. "Yeah?" "Just making sure." She said quietly as I giggled. "I promise you I'm not a dream." She smiled. "Mommy let me sleep in your bed when you were gone with daddy." I smiled.

"Good! Keep my bed safe." She giggled at me as she got off my bed as we went out to the living room as we watched movies for the rest of the night. "Alright for dinner do you want burgers and hot dogs with corn or home made pizza?" I asked Leila as she said, "Homemade pizza." I nodded as she watched TV a bit more I got the pizza crust done as I turned to see TJ. "Hey TJ." I said as he smiled. "Need help?" "Sure you can cut the vegie's." he laughed but nodded I gave him the cutting board as he went into the fridge getting the vegies and other stuff. Someone knocked on the door as dad answered it as everything was silent as we heard someone said, "So is it true your adopted daughter died." I peeked my head out as dad looked at me. "No why?" "Because someone told me that she died." I looked at TJ as he nodded at me I went by dad as the guy looked at me. "Who? Kids from school?" He nodded. "You know who they are..." I nodded. "Tell them that I am but don't tell them I'm not I want to shock them." The guy laughed and nodded. When he left dad looked at me, "What are you planning?" "To go to school tomorrow." I said as I walked back into the kitchen to see Leila helping TJ. I giggled as they looked at me, "Well looks like I have helpers." They laughed as I smiled. I got everything else done as Max, dad, mom came in as I smiled. "Hi!" Leila giggled as I smiled. I love my family time <3

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