Chapter 6

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He just stood there looking at me, "Sit." I said hushed as he nodded, "how old are you?" "I'm 18 and legal." I said as I looked at him as he shook his head and laughed quietly. There was a knock on my door as I pushed Mike into my closet as I opened the door. "hey mom." I said as she looked at me. "I was just making sure you got home." I could tell she was half asleep. "I got home a while ago mom." She nodded kissing my head. She went back upstairs I heard her door shut as Mike came out of my closet as he shook his head at me. "What?" I asked quietly. "That was just...I haven't done that in a long time." I giggled as I sat on my bed again. "So where were you before this? I know Jordan and Mathew were adopted." I nodded. "Same. The three of us were best friends. I just wonder why me sometimes. You know?" I asked him as he shrugged. "not really the only time I felt like that was when Frenchi and I broke up." I nodded, "I wrote a letter to you telling you I was sorry. I sent one to CC a while ago."

"I remember reading a letter like that it helped me a bit, I was going to write back but I got busy." I just nodded. "it's okay I'm not even sure CC even wrote me back." I said as I quietly opened my door as I went to the kitchen as I saw no letter I sighed and went back into my room. "Oh well." I said as he chuckled. "So what have you done this weekend?" "Took my little sister Leila Rose to LA." "Leila Rose... You mean Craig Mabbitt's Daughter?" I nodded. "I'm their adopted daughter." He just chuckled as I shrugged. "you have school tomorrow?" I looked at my phone replying to Max's and dad's text quickly as I looked at the day it's Friday. "Yeah it's Friday." I said as he nodded. "Sucks." I shrugged. "Depends if Jordan will yell at me or not." He shrugged, "I can go talk to him." "If you want." I said as he nodded. He hugged me before leaving. I sighed as I got into bed as I heard Gabby's door open again as she knocked than came into my room. "This came in for you." She said as I saw an envelope. It wasn't open as she handed it to me and left again.

It was From CC...OH MY GOD!!! I decided to read it in the morning as I laid down and passed out. I woke sweating and panting. "God just have these nightmares go away." I cried as I called dad. "Hello?" he said groggily as I sniffled. "Hailee what's wrong?" "I had a nightmare." I heard him wake someone and ask what time it was. "I'm sorry sweetie, Gabby didn't wake you?" "No? What time is it?" I asked. "About almost noon." "WHAT!!" I screamed as I heard dad groan in pain. "Sorry dad." I told him as he sighed. "It's okay I'll talk to you later." "Loveyoudad." I said quickly as he said, "I love you too daughter." I giggled softly as I hung up. Once I hung up my phone rang again; "Hello?" I asked, "Hailee Mabbitt?" "Yes?" I asked, "Could you come pick up Leila? She's been throwing up all day and her mother told us to call you since she can't leave work." "Yeah I'll be right there." I said as I hung up I didn't care if I was still in pajama's I threw on my hoodie as I called dad. "Yeah?" he asked. "I'm going to pick up Leila. What do you do normally when she's throwing up?"

I could tell he was more awake when he said, "Usually let her stay in our bed or with us make soup and take care of her Hailee." "Always dad she's my little sister." I could tell he was smiling. "I'll have her call once we get back home." I told him as he sighed. "Alright I'll talk to you later." He said as I heard Max say, "Stop calling Hailee." "Bite me Green~" I yelled as dad laughed. I hung up as I drove over to the school as I got there I parked inside as I saw a guy from the high school there look at me since he was in the office. "Is Leila Mabbitt here?" he nodded pointing to the bathroom. I headed over there as the nurse saw me. "She was complaining she didn't feel good this morning in class her teacher told me." I nodded. "could I go to her classes and get her homework." "That's already been done, Charles has it. And you look a little pale hun more than last time." I nodded. "I know I not feeling great eather." I said as Charles mumbled when I went over to him. "or it could be from partying on the beach." I glared at him as he rolled his eyes as I whispered. "Don't mess with me." I glared harder. "I can do to you what I did to Jessica's pretty nose." His eyes grew and nodded. I got the now sleeping Leila into my car as I went into my school I had to hold Leila as she was asleep in my arms. "Hey look!" Mathew yelled making Leila groan. "Shut up matty." I said as he looked at me. "Your sis okay?" "NO she's sick I just picked her up I haven't been feeling the best either." "your adopted mom let you sleep in didn't she?" I nodded. "Those nightmares have to go away sometime." I shook my head. "I need to get my homework." I said as I went to all of my classes. Matty helped me get them into my car, "Thanks Matty." He smiled at Gina came over to us and kissed Matty. "Awe" I said as I put Leila in my car.

"I'll see you guys later." I said as they nodded; I got home put Leila in my bed with a bucket next to her just incase she wakes up I went back out and got my homework and went back inside. "Sissy." I heard Leila groan. I put my books on my desk in my room. "Hey hun how are you feeling?" "bad my stomach hurts." She said as I nodded. "Go back to sleep and I will make you some soup." "Okay sissy." "Love you Leila." I said as I kissed her head. "Love you too sissy." She said as I went out of the room just as she grabbed the bucket. I frowned and made her some soup; I put the hot soup in a bowl as I went into my room putting it on the desk she went over to the desk eating it as I looked for some ginger ale or something. I sighed, so I called mike. "Hey Hailee." "Hey you still in town?" "Yeah for a while....Good go to the nearest store buy saltines and ginger ale." "You sick?" "No Leila is." "I'll be over soon." He said as we hung up. I went back into my room as I called dad. "Hey hailee." Max said, "Hey I really need to talk to dad." I said as I heard him hand the phone to dad hopefully.

"Hey Hailee how's Leila." "Good why couldn't mom pick her up?" I asked, "She didn't tell you?" he asked. "Tell me what?" I asked. "She came to visit me..." I threw my phone it ended up shattering it. I didn't care what kind of mother does that? I saw Leila look at me, "What happen?" she asked quietly as she picked up my phone. "Mom decided to go visit dad." "I know." "Does everyone know?" I asked softly. "No she wanted me to tell you after school." I shook my head. "Back to bed." I said as she nodded. She went back into my room as she just laid down and feel asleep again. I read CC's letter as I wrote back and put it In the mail. I saw Mike with his brother as he handed me the stuff once they came inside. "Thanks." I said pouring it into a cup, and putting the crackers on a plate as I went back into my room Leila was still asleep so I let her be. "This is my brother." "Hi." I said as I said. "Mike could I use your phone?" he nodded as I put my shattered one on the table. "What-" "don't ask." I said as I called dad again.

"Hello?" "Hey dad." "hey Hailee thank god I though someone murdered you!" I could hear a couple sighs in relief. "Mom and I are going to have so much beef when she gets back." "Hailee she's pregnant!" "SO she should have woken me and told me she was leaving!" I yelled as he sighed, "I'll talk to her again; no next time I'm talking to her because what she did was wrong totally and utterly wrong and I know she read the letter I got from CC!" I yelled as he clears his throat. "What?" "I wrote a letter to CC telling him I'm sorry about his break up and just some encouraging words and telling him he was one 2 on my favorite drummers." He chuckled. "Alright I'm going to have a LONG TALK with Gabbby right now." "Okay give everyone my love....and I need a new phone." "Should be coming in the mail today I bought one online before I left." He sad as I saw Leila wake up. I smiled handing her the phone. "it's dad." "daddy?" she said as they talked for a bit.

When she was done she hung up handing it to me as I handed it back to Mike. "Thanks." "No problem." He said, "Mike we have to go." His brother said. I Smiled. "Text me while you are still touring." He nodded as he left. I ran out to get the mail I had gotten my new phone as I texted dad if Leila could have Ginger Ale he said it was okay. I gave the Ginger Ale to Leila as she drank sips of it. I smiled as I put on Star Wars since dad said it was cool as we watched I texted him and Max some more. I let Leila play candy crush once she was done throwing up...she played till she fell asleep again. I got my phone out of her hands as I looked at my sister as I listened to Falling In Reverse's New album Fashionably Late and posted:

Hailee Mabbitt (@NoteToSelfMakeMeBelieveIt): my sister's sick :( so I get to play nanny :3 I don't mind I love my family though it can get hard I still love my adopted family @caige @GcbFrosinos

After I posted I laid in my bed with Leila as I fell asleep too.

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