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Character of choice x reader

Your eyes snapped open. You squinted at the bright light, using your hand to block the light. You noticed that you were on a small island with a single palm tree on it. The sky was bright but it was all gray. It looked like it was foggy but it wasn't. It felt like you were...indoors.

You slowly inched towards the water and dipped your hand in. The water was nice and warm. You felt like staying here could be a good idea. Just sleep for a little longer...

You started to close your eyes, letting your drowsiness take over, when you hear a familiar voice. A very familiar voice, along with a few others you didn't recognize. The voices were muffled, but you could still make out a few words.



You immediately snapped open your eyes and looked around, searching for the source of the voices. You didn't see anyone else on your small island though. Confused, you shrugged and slowly closed your eyes again.

"Please...be strong...back."

With that, you suddenly felt the urge to start swimming. You felt a tug at your chest and you gazed at the calm ocean. You felt the urge to swim to the other side even though you couldn't see anything there.

You decided it was best to follow your instincts and you took small steps into the water. It was quite warm and relaxing. You kept swimming and sometimes pausing to admire the fish.

Soon enough, you saw a little deck and you grinned, pushing yourself go get there faster. You felt happy and peaceful to see that you were getting closer to the deck.

The deck area was full of color and it was clear and sunny. You wanted be there instead of being in the gray, foggy area like the island and the ocean.

All of a sudden, your vision was darkened and you looked up. You gasped. There were gigantic storm clouds looming above you. As soon as you started to swim faster, the rain started pouring  down and the wind started blowing violently, causing you to be washed backwards, further away from the deck.

You tried your hardest to stay afloat, but the waves were too strong. With that, your head kept bobbing up and down in the water. You coughed when you drank some of the water.

The water was bitter and it also tasted a bit like...blood. You squinted, the rain slapping your face and you looked around. What you saw horrified you.

You slapped your hands over your mouth. You saw many heads bobbing up and down along with you in the waves. The only difference was that they were dead. There was blooding spilling out of their necks and the redness started dyeing the gray ocean. You could only see the shades of gray and the red blood.

You felt tired, as you had been swimming for hours in the ocean. The storm was getting worse and worse. You closed your eyes, wanting to stop and you took a deep breath and let yourself sink into the gray and red ocean.

You could hear the muffled screams and cries of all the floating heads. You let your tears pour out and you slowly felt yourself slip away. Suddenly, you could clearly see short clips of all the great times you have had even though your eyes were closed.

You smiled to yourself. It was nice to have fun, but you felt too tired. Soon, most of the short clips were of you and your him. Your smiled stretched a little more. You noticed that there was one clip left and it was one of him grinning down at you. He had kissed you and the clips ended. You sighed and felt yourself slipping away.

"I love you, come back!"

You could recognize his voice anywhere. Unlike the voices you had heard earlier, this message am was loud and clear even though you were underwater.

You snapped your eyes open again and the urge to reach the deck was strong. You swam upwards as quickly as possible. The storm was still swirling around you, the waves stronger than ever before. You shoved all the cries and wailing of the others and started swimming forward, repeating that message in your head.

With new determination set in you, you swam faster and faster. Adrenaline surged through your body. You reached out for the deck and signed in relief. You climbed up onto the deck and laid on your back. You closed your eyes and relaxed, smiling.


You heard soft beeping. The beeping gradually got louder and louder. You felt someone squeeze your hand. Your eyes snapped open.

Haikyu X Reader Oneshots (Requests closed)Where stories live. Discover now