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para que pensar en no lo que puede ser;

The Lozano family was a family that went by traditions. Even though they now lived in America and had established their lives in Miami, they could never forget their beautiful home of Cancun, Mexico. It was a part of thier heart that no one could remove. Estefano and Ana Paola Lozano came to Miami twenty three years ago, with their two kids Estefania and Alejandro.

They traveled to the United States to began, their now very successful company, Lozano Industries. They're life in Mexico was great, but they wanted a different future for their family. Estefania and Alejandro were raised in Miami. She was only three when they moved, he was six. They grew up to enjoy the multiculturalism ways that the city offered.

"Dios mio, Tefi please tell you are not on one of those dating websites again! Hija I told you not to do that ever again, or should I remind you what happened last time?" Estefania listened to her mother scold her, making her remember the awful surprises she encountered from being on such website.

In her defense, or as she always claimed, how was she supposed to know when men were actually lying about their personalities or appearances. Ana Paola could not understand her daughter's urge to find someone. She understood that maybe she needed someone to make her feel loved, or someone to enjoy her life with but her suggestion was to let it come freely and not rush anything.

Estefania watched as her mother walked down the staircase with their family dog Popeye, "Mami, please don't make me remember such horrible things. I'm working on my website. Paulina said this would be a wonderful first step before actually opening up the store."

Ana Paola sighed in relief as she bent down releasing the schnauzer from her arms. She watched her daughter for years as she dedicated herself to start her own clothing line. She went through art school, and many other business classes to help her start in the fashion industry. She didn't accept any help from her parents who many times offered to help with connections they had.

Estefania was so close to finally making her dream come true, by having the grand opening her new boutique. "By the way, you and dad haven't seen the place yet. All of the remodeling is finally done, it's really beautiful mom."

"Tomorrow morning, I promise. One of your dad's friends is coming by this weekend to talk over business things, that I will never understand. He's been really busy, but don't worry he hasn't forgetten." Her mother tried her best to make her kids her husband's many priority but he already had so much on his plate, and that caused him to fall off track so many times.

"Okay mom, I'm trusting to you. I think I'm going to head out now, I'm spending the night at Paulina's." She responded and close her laptop, placing it inside of her large handbag.

"Are you girls going out tonight?" Ana Paola asked knowing her daughter's best friend would spend entire life out in night clubs, dancing her heart away.

Paulina was from San Juan, Puerto Rico and there was not a night that she let go without dancing and drinking. She felt sadness for her single friend, so she always suggested a night out (knowing she'd benefit from it too).

"Maybe mom, I don't know. Ya sabes cómo es la Pau." She said referring to her best friend's ways.

Estefania packed her belongings, rushed upstairs to get clothing just in case they did go out, and got in her car making her way over to Paulina's house.

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