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¿quién se anima?

"Good morning Tefi, do you have food?" Paulina asked after banging on her best friend's door. Estefania had plans to rest today but once she say Paulina she knew those plans were over now.

"I was still sleeping, but I guess I could make us something," she says wiping her hands on her long sleeve shirt. "What brings you here so bring and early? I thought you would be still sleeping from all the alcohol  you drank last night."

Estefania laughed, and jumped onto the couch that sat just directly in front of the kitchen. She was so glad her parents weren't here so they wouldn't see both of them in their hangover stage. "I've became a professional at this my friend. Soy Mexicana, my tolerance level is high." Her friend responded.

Estefania laughed as she started making pancake batter for their breakfast. Paulina was definitely something else - very special. "But I actually came here for something, an explanation."

"Of?" Estefania responded, curiously.

"That smile you had when you come back into the apartment last night. We were literally in la-la land the entire night and you just weren't the same. So either you got some last night in the lobby, or someone pleased you at the pool," she rambled. "Whatever it is I need to know."

Estefania really, truly wondered what happened inside Paulina's head. How did she come up with these theories and ideas? One thing she could also reference and talk about was men, sex, sex with men, and parties that involved sex with men.

"Everything with you just has to involve a guy, right? Why do you love them so much Pau?" Estefania said, trying to side-track her best friend from her question, but it didn't work.

"Estefania Lozano contestame, was I wrong? Is it not?"

Estefania wasn't a liar, but telling her best friend about Javier was something she did not want to do. She didn't want this turning into a big fiasco about her finally getting a guy's number and going out with him. "Fine, I'll tell you because I'm not a liar. I saw the guy from the party yesterday."

"¿El principe azul de ojitos verdes? Oh my gosh, Tefi tell me everything." Paulina yelled, making her best friend shout out in annoyance.

"I just saw him, I gave him my number, end of story." Estefania gave the shortened, simple explanation.

"Bullshit, tell me everything Tefi." Paulina asked her best friend to elaborate more.

Estefania only wished she hadn't said anything in the first place. "There's nothing more to it! He saw me came up and started talking. He said he's been thinking about me and wanted to take me out on a date. I said maybe and gave him my number."

"So you've texted him right?" Paulina asked with one eyebrow raised. She thought her best friend wouldn't be playing this 'hard to get' game.

"No I haven't. There's no need to." She said.

"No need? No need? Estefania you've been asking for a guy to ask you out for like years, and now that one does you don't want it to happen. Stop overthinking it and just answer his texts because I know you haven't. Give it a chance and see, because he could be the one." Paulina said a bit calmer and nicer than what Estefania was already expecting.


estefania; hello javier

javier; i was beginning to worry bonita you weren't answering me.

estefania; sorry i was still asleep. but i'm here now.

javier; i'm very glad trust me. so do you think you could let me take you out tonight?

estefania; it depends where you'd be taking me?

javier; well i was thinking this very elegant  restaurant in the city. then i could you could show me around miami?

estefania; maybe i could do that.

javier; how does 7 sound?

estefania; sounds good to me. see you then.

javier; hasta luego bonita.

Estefania gently placed her phone on the kitchen counter and proceeded to cooking their breakfast. She could feel Paulina's eyes blaring at her.

"Well, what happened?" Paulina asked, and yelled.

"I have a date tonight at seven o'clock."

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