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prefería estar contigo que con ella;

Javier spent the next few days with his daughters and his sister. The twin girls were overflowing in joy everyday they woke up with their father. He'd gotten notice from his personal assistant that Barbara was in Barbados, with the excuse of 'needing a quick vacation'. Javier didn't care, because the less he saw her the less he stressed. His girls were happy with just him, and that's all he needed. Of course, like always, this made him believe he could do this thing as a single father.

His priority would always be his girls, and maybe one day in the future it could be Estefania. The thought of her made him smile like a fool, but he didn't care. "Daddy, someone is downstairs. They knocked on the door." His daughter Fatima said, as they played in the enormous pink toy room.

He nodded his head and told them to stay put. He wasn't expecting any visitors, but anyone showing up wouldn't be a grand surprise either. Instead he wished he hadn't opened the door, to the person he wished he didn't have to see anymore.

"Well if it isn't my dearest husband. How are you Javi, well suppose to be home with your family?" She cynically spoke. Her fingers slowly removed the sunglssses from her eyes, as she moved forward to kiss her husband.

Javier grabbed her arms and pushed her away, not caring if he was gentle or rough, as long as she wasn't anywhere near him. "How was your boyfriend? Is it still the same one, or someone new?"

She laughed, knowing the insulting comments were on their way. "Don't get so upset about," she smiled and rubbed her hand on his arm before he moved it. "After all I am still yours, as you are mines."

"Not for long Barbara. I will not live with you like this, not with you setting this example for my daughters."

She interrupted him, "Our daughters, Javier. But what will you do? Divorce me? Let yourself go through that? You couldn't do it and you won't. Not unless you want to lose the most valuable people in your life." She finished.

"Try me. Just wait for it, and your little act will all fall. I'll make sure my girls are happy and away from you." He said, eyeing her up and down, with a look that could kill. She laughed, as he walked away.

However he wasn't going to let that get to him, he was happy with his girls and she wasn't going to change that. He felt back upstairs with his daughters, knowing she wasn't going to interrupt. She at least has some decency towards her daughters. He let those thoughts go away and just focus on his daughters, and another thing that made him happier than ever. Estefania, su bonita.

Meanwhile in Miami, Estefania was spending her time with her family and close friends. It was her brother's birthday, so they all had a small gathering to celebrate his twenty-six years of life. Everyone seemed to tell how happy the younger Lozano sister was, but of course, they related it to her store opening and upcoming graduation. Little did they know, little Estefania was in love. The only person who actually knew was her best friend, Paulina.

"So how's in going con el príncipe azul?" She asked as she watched her bestfriend dreaming for what almost seemed like eternity. Estefania smiled, and watched to see if anyone was looking before she began speaking. It was still going to be a secret, since nothing was official yet. "It's going, we've been hanging out here and there. He's in California right now, but we still talk and text." She responded.

Paulina's eyes widened. "Wow, you both sound a married couple already," she blurted out. "Oh yeah this'll definitely work out."

"Well that's if something were to happen, we don't know anything yet." She said, talking a long sip of her drink.

In reality, she didn't want to say something was indeed going to happen. It would make her feel as if she would be jinxing the rising relationship, or already making it something that wasn't bound to happen. Instead she planned on not rushing anything, and staying calm and collected. Her feelings were going to stay inside, or nowhere else. Or at least for now.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2017 ⏰

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